How To Make a Christmas Stocking
Investment Stocks

How To Make a Christmas Stocking

Published at 03/18/2012 01:05:20


How To Make a Christmas Stocking

Christmas is a day of joy and jubilation for everyone. Every year we celebrate this day with great zest and fervor. The Christmas Eve dinner, the Christmas tree, Christmas stocking are indeed the epitome of the day. On this day we celebrate the birth of Jesus and pray in the church for the betterment and safety for our loved ones. Children in particular are always bubbling with excitement on this day, there main attraction being the Santa Claus and the gifts for which they eagerly wait whole year. In the following paragraphs we will help you how to make a Christmas stocking so that you can add an extra charm to the day.

Step 1

In order to make a Christmas stocking you will need the following things, namely: a sewing machine, needles, buttons (you can choose any design and colour according to your own taste and requirements), some fabric glue, felt, some fabric, pinking shears, contrasting threads.

Step 2

First of all for your Christmas stocking draw a simple template from a piece of paper, according to the size you intend to make. We will use this template in the next steps to help us cut out our stocking.

Step 3

Now using this template, take out two red Christmas stocking with the help of pinking shears. These two red stockings should be approximately the length of 40cm starting from top to heel. Take also a red stocking from it but it should be a little smaller in size than the white one.

Step 4

Take your red Christmas stocking and cut out three circles from it. Now attach these three circles on the white stocking which you have already made. Stitch them together by using the simple running stitch by contrasting threads. Making sure that stitches are placed evenly with 1cm of length from the edge.

Step 5

Now take the two white Christmas stocking and join them together by stitching. You can use buttons and other assortments of your own to decorate the stockings. There can be a wide variety of designs depending on your own style. You can also use stripes of clothes and sew them on the stockings also. Finally, take a ribbon to hang your stockings.


How To Make a Christmas Stocking

You can have wide variety of colorful designs and characters drawn on your Christmas stocking. Depending on your skills and ingenuity-sky is the limit! Further, you can also use your old woolen sweater for the purpose of making Christmas stocking. This not only put the sweater to better use which you no longer intend to keep but also helps to save you money. However, to use the sweater, you need to properly wash it up. Be sure that you are only using a woolen sweater. By using a washing machine that woolen threads are more strongly bonded together, giving a soft, smooth texture to the wool. Put the sweater in the washing machine and add some soap together with hot water. After some time, take out the sweater and see whether you can identify any knitted stitches. If no, you are good to go meaning that wool has properly felted. Now follow the instructions given above to make beautiful stockings.

Sources and Citations
