Investment Stocks

10 Amazing Tips For Stock Fund

Published at 03/21/2012 01:45:51


In our financial lives, it is of important benefit to have some sort of investment for the sake of future security. A stock fund is a fund that invests in equities that are known as stocks. Stock fund are differentiated in regard to a couple of properties based on either value or growth. When it comes to focus or areas of priority, they can either be invested in securities of a particular country or alternatively many countries or may focus on the size of the company; whether big or small. For example, one can choose to invest in mutual funds through Treasury inflated-protected securities. This comes with its advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages are the availability of professional management through fund managers, diversification of portfolio, convenience of investment through the ability to buy and sell in odd dollar amounts and reinvestment opportunities without the penalty of a sales charge. Some of the disadvantages of stock fund are the such as the volatility brought about by having to cash out on the current price which is unpredictable in that it can either be higher or lower than the original investment of the stock fund. Also, when it comes to stock fund, there are extra charges that are above the expected transaction fee.

Long-term investment is a sensible move especially when you want to grow your wealth while at the same time countering inflation. When thinking of investing in this kind of undertaking, an important question to ask yourself is what best suits you basing it on your individual circumstances. Given this, here are some important tips for stock fund investment:

Step 1

Tip 1: Which fund?

When it comes to stock fund, there are different types. There are some which allow you to invest in shares or corporate bonds, while other types of investments are in commodities or property. It is therefore advisable to visit an independent financial adviser to know which direction you want to take.

Step 2

Tip 2: Buy it cheaper

It is cheaper for you to go to an execution only broker or a do-it-yourself fund market. Going directly to the fund company could cost you about 5.5% of your total investment.

Step 3

Tip 3: Find out more

IT is a known fact that whatever significant venture you go into, research is paramount. It is therefore important to find out more about the fund fees and expenses. Small differences in fees can lead to a huge significance in returns. This is important.

Step 4

Tip 4: How does it affect my tax bill?

As provided by the law, a fund is to make capital gains distribution to shareholders, and this is dependent on whether it sells a security for a gain or profit that cannot be overridden by a loss.

Therefore, as a shareholder, when you receive capital gains from a company, you are most likely to owe taxes based on it. It is therefore prudent to call the fund and find out when the distributions are being made so that you can time your investment to avoid taxes.

Step 5

Tip 5: What is the size and age of the fund?

This is part of the research that you are supposed to do. Before investing, it is prudent to find out how long the fund has been in existence and operational, and also what the asset size of the fund is. This gives you a better picture of how the fund has been performing over a period of time.


Tip 6: What is the portfolio turnover

This is a measure of how often the fund buys and sells securities. Therefore a fund that buys and sells more frequently is more likely to generate higher trading costs, which in turn leads to more capital gain taxes.

Tip 7: What are the risks?

This can be found out through analyzing the stock fund’s prospectus and shareholder reports in order to learn more about its investment strategy and the risks associated with it. As a common saying, the higher the risk, the higher the return. Therefore, find out what you are willing to take.

Tip 8: Ask ask ask

Do not shy away from asking questions because this is your money you are investing and your future you are gambling with. Try and find out whether the investment adviser or investment strategy has changed recently or even whether there have been any mergers. These changes can easily change the performance of a stock fund.

Tip 9: How will it affect my portfolio?

The general success of your investments depends on the amount of money you have spent in other investments, especially in the major asset categories such as stocks, bonds and cash. How does your interest in this fund affect your other investments?

Tip 10: Run your gains and cut your losses

Investment is like a game; a race. Run with the investments that bring in gain and let loose of the ones that generate losses by selling them.



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