Business Marketing

5 Things You Must Know About Lead Marketing

Published at 03/27/2012 15:57:35


Before getting into the details of lead marketing we should firstly know that what is the term “lead”? A potential sales contact is known as lead in the marketing term. If there is any organization or any individual who is showing some interest in the goods and services of yours then it is called lead marketing. You can either give direct response to some advertisement or you may refer to some existing customer. There is a term used as lead generation, it is used for any company. The department of marketing of any company is responsible for the lead generation. For example, if any vendor wants to have the attention of qualified buyers, then they will display the wares at any trade show of industry.

The inquiry is known as trade that is developed into a sale for some vendor information. There are some effective practices which are involved in lead marketing are known as lead generators, lead nurturing and lead scoring. Lead generator is any activity related to the marketing for publicizing the availability of product or service of vendors. Lead nurturing is the practice which is established by the company to deal the leads of potential. Lead scoring is any software or process which is designed so that the importance of the leads could be ranked. Lead generation is used to expand the scope of the business and for this we use the database, Internet or some specialized service which gives the information of increasing the sales revenue.

Step 1

Lead marketing is sometimes used in the Internet marketing. It is used to show the generation of interest of consumer. You may also inquiry into the business services and products. Lead marketing is used sometimes for the list building, wining customers or e-newsletter list acquisition. You need to advertise for the sake of generating leads in marketing. There are some non-paid sources of generating leads marketing like organic search engine results. There should be quality in the leads marketing and it can be achieved by the leads.

Tip 2

There are some of the organizations which are having lead marketing and these are Buyer Zone, Eloqua, Hub Spot, Pardot, Pointer Clear and Queen Street etc. Buyer Zone is a marketplace which is online service and used for the business to business purchases and sales. Headquarter of this company is situated in Waltham. They give free price quotes to the buyers. Leads are provided by the Buyer Zone to many of the local as well as national companies. The products of Buyer Zone exceed 150 different products and services. The equipment can be office furniture, telecommunications or the construction equipment. The services of Buyer Zone include the payroll services, forklifts, graphic design and phone systems etc.

Sources and Citations

Leads can be consisted of the names and the addresses of individuals, the organizations or the corporations. The addresses can also be the e-mail addresses. We can gather the leads list from the database which is targeted. The database used here can be telephones or the Internet directories.
