Finance Money

Money My Blog Helped Me Make Online

Published at 03/01/2012 23:54:23


Blog is one way of having a simple free website, it is easy to configure and you don’t have to pay to have one. Although, we have paid blog but the blog that I use is free. Blog pages are not as much as paid websites pages. It contains templates that you can choose from and use depending on your choice. Blog is fast becoming popular among entrepreneur and self-employed people, you can change content on your blog frequently on your own without the support of a web manager. Although blog does not have some features that paid websites have such as:-

Control panel:- this is where a site owner go in order to adjust, input and review contents or information on his/her site.

Personalised electronics mail: these are electronics mails that come with a website when you host it.

Blog does not have these features but it simplest form makes it usable for anybody including person without prior knowledge of website design, you don’t have to pay for a domain name to have access to the name you want to use, you just have to keep trying different names till it accept one from you.

Blog also have a significant because you can have as many as possible (i.e. there is no limit to the amount of blog you can have).

Blog is also vital because you don’t pay for hosting your blog and once it is on it remain forever so, you don’t have to fear that it will expire soon. Blog significant cannot be over accentuate you can never know how tremendous it is until you make a move to have one i.e. no amount of words would be enough to explicate

Blog and it vitality but having one and exploring it yourself would give you insight into what blog is and how it function.



The first step you need to do before you can make money with your blog is to first of all register to own a blog. You can achieve this by visiting (that is where I registered my own free blog so as to make money with my blog). After my registration I proceed towards generating traffic to my blog,


this can be achieve in three waysI first of all come up with a captivating theme for my blog I register on and, then I attached my twitter to www. To generate 1000 people to my twitterThen I come up with a good and alluring content on my blog such as music,video,sport or fashion content that is capable of attracting crowd to my blog so as to make money.

Tips and comments

After these three ways then I visited google adsense and register on it, when my registration was confirmed then I attached my blog to my google adsense account. Google was sending advert to my blog base on my topic of interest such as sport, education, fashion etc. this advert were viewed by my downslines in twitter and facebook (but I convert my blog name to simpler form on before putting it on the social network site for viewing by my downlines) and some of them clicked on the google advert as they are clicking on it I was making 70 cents per click. this was the way my blog helped me to make money.
