Tips And Ideas For Money Free
Finance Money

Tips And Ideas For Money Free

Published at 02/24/2012 18:37:08


Tips And Ideas For Money Free

Let us start our discussion by understanding the concept of free money. Free money can be regarded in terms of the loan which is provided free of cost, which means that the loan which has been provided would not include any covenant regarding the interest and the individual who has taken money free loan will be required to return the principal amount to the lender.

However this concept is being practiced less and less in todays society. Otherwise, in all other loans, it is seen that the loans and credits have an immense part of interest attached to them.

Step 1

There is another which is being introduced by many people and many societies. The money free concept is based on the idea that there should be ‘no money’ involvement in the lives of the people. According to this concept people will not be needing money only for the living purposes.

Step 2

Now people are of the view that in the series of inflations and economic downturns, it is not possible for the humans to survive in the longer run, if money is given most importance. Hence people are of the view that money free societies must be formed. In order to execute the concept of money free societies, there is a need to make compact societies, in which the people would survive on the basis of mutualism but not on the basis of money. Money would not be the most valuable thing for the survival.

Step 3

According to this concept peaceful societies must be formed, so that the environment may not be destroyed and the human beings may not affect the nature. All the human beings should live in the compact and peaceful societies and they should respect the nature.

Today everyone is caring about money and money is being given due importance. According to the money free concept, the survival of the humans is not based on money. Human beings should develop brotherhood amongst themselves. The money markets are collapsing due to the financial downturns and inflations. In such circumstances economic capitalism is unlikely to survive in the longer run. So, according money free concept a new world is needed to be created.

Wars effecting us

Tips And Ideas For Money Free

There are wars, which are being fought in the different regions of the world. In these wars immense resources are being wasted. Due to these wars the economic stability if the countries are in jeopardy. Hence people feel the need of money free world because under these circumstances the survival of human beings is also in jeopardy. The peril in the survival of humans is likely to be, due to the involvement of money, so the people are willing to make a money free world.


According to the money free concept, human beings will not be graded on the basis of money; instead a society will be developed where every human being will be considered equal, irrespective of the financial condition of the individuals.

Hence there is a need to save the nature and the humans in order to survive in the linger run. The wars are supposed to be stopped and the money should not be given foremost importance. This is because when all the natural resources would be devastated, then people would realize that money would not be eaten in order to satisfy the appetite.
