Finance Money

How To Save a Lot Of Money on Groceries

Published at 04/05/2012 16:25:00


Searching for ways to save a lot of money on groceries can be an eye-opener. However, if you want to save, it does take practive and easy-to-learn tricks. Moreover, you can teach members of your family to save a lot of money on groceries, too. 

Step 1

Learn the foods that your family enjoys to save a lot of money. Some people shop for foods that their families do not enjoy. It represents a waste of money. A better solution is focusing on what they eat. For example, if your family eats pork, concentrate on pork dishes. According to the Virginia Cooperative Extension, purchase a pork loin roast and slice it into pork chops. You save a lot of money from purchasing single-serving chops. Moreover, you can add pork chops to a variety of dishes, including rice and flavorful vegetables. 

Step 2

Pay attention to rebate offers to save a lot of money. Rebates have been around for decades because they work. Some people enjoy the concept of making a purchase and getting a portion of their money back. At the supermarket, you can receive rebates on a variety of items. Some possible rebate items include paper products, dishwashing detergent and baked goods. The key is knowing that you will utilize the rebate product. Otherwise, it become wasted. If you do not the product, you may be able to trade it with another person. 

Step 3

Watch out when you purchase drinks to save a lot of money. Some people concentrate on food purchases and forget about their drinks. It is not uncommon to overspend on fancy drinks. Add gallons of water to your supermarket list. If you do not enjoy its taste, make it better for yourself. Place slices of cherries into water. Moreover, the sliced cherries do not add excess calories. Unfortunately, your family may feel deprived when drinking water all the time. For a special treat, purchase orange or apple drinks to keep in the house. 

Step 4

Notice which grocery items go on sale regularly to save a lot of money. Supermarkets are well-organized businesses that need to make sales. Members of management know how to gain shoppers attention and make them spend money. One key revolves around having grocery sales. As a supermarket shopper, learn to take advantage of sales to save a lot of money. Shopping on regular sale days can help with your savings goals. If your supermarket has the most sales on Thursday, take a shopping trip on that day. 

Step 5

Minimize purchases of pre-packaged frozen desserts to save a lot of money. It is simple to go into a store and pull a pre-packaged dessert from the display case. Pre-packaged frozen desserts may be appealing when you are time-pressed. However, you are paying for convenience. Moreover, the frozen desserts may not be as good for you. They can be filled with sugars or high salt content. Supermarkets sell pre-packaged frozen muffins, cherry pies and brownies. It is easy to bake your own desserts. For instance, check out baking recipes from well-known websites. You can taste the recipes with your family.


Do not take extra money and save a lot of money on groceries. It is easy to make more purchases when you have the funds. 

Sources and Citations

Virginia Cooperative Extension: 20 Ways to Save at the Grocery Store
