Finance Quotes

Guy Quotes Information

Published at 03/23/2012 18:19:11


Many people have come up with a good number of interesting guy quotes; that is quotes about guys, quotes that target guys and quotes that guys have come up with. Anyone can come up with such a quote and provided it yells creativity it would definitely be accepted. Some of these quotes could be seen as sexist by guys mostly so if they target guys. Such quotes would have derogatory remarks directed towards the male species.


There are Guy quotes that target guys usually with the aim of trying to prove that women could do better without guys. Such quotes would try to demean men with derogatory words and statements. The quotes would accuse men of failing to meet certain expectations in the eyes of women. Some of these accusations would include: failure to commit to relationships and marriage; lack of maturity and lack of smarts. These quotes are usually very witty and actually funny even to the targeted audience.

Guy quotes that target men would mostly have been concocted by women most of whom have been hurt or have seen someone else get hurt as a result of the perceived short comings of men. The quotes would also have a tone that seeks to empower women and bring them out as smarter creatures as than men.


As much as guy quotes seek to look down on the male species as a less worthy gender; some might actually contain some truth with a comic touch. There are also those quotes that guys come up with that somewhat seek to counter quotes aimed at them. These quotes try to depict the male as a more superior and smarter being than the female counterpart. These quotes are also sexist but funny.

The guy quotes that favor guys usually tend to depict guys as having the upper hand in most of life’s situations. In relationships a guy would be brought out as being the alpha male with the woman as the prized possession who is always there to soothe his ego.

These guy quotes also seek to demean women and look down on them as inferior beings whose sole purpose of existence is to make the man happy in a subservient manner. As harsh as these quotes appear to be they actually come out as funny and entertaining; some of them also do carry a certain level of truth. Truth in that they somehow bring out some of the feminine characteristics that irk men.

Tips and comments

The there are also guy quotes that simply talk about real issues that plague the world. The quotes are usually successful in bringing out both the pleasant and harsh realities of the world. Certain complex truths about life are brought to light in a manner that everyone can understand. Such a quote may enlighten the masses on issues that would otherwise be ignored on a daily basis. These quotes can also be used bring out serious issues in a comic manner hence proving more effective. People use different quotes to convey different messages either comically or soberly.
