Legal Criminal

Why Do Employers Request Employees To Have a Criminal Check?

Published at 03/15/2012 19:54:25


In today’s world there are a lot of people that have a criminal history and many of these people have a hard time finding a job. These reason that a lot of these people have a hard time finding a job is that a lot of employers a criminal check. This means that they are able to go and look at if a person has been arrested, what for and if they have done time in jail for anything. Performing a criminal check is something that a lot of employers do, but most people won’t know it was done unless they have a criminal history.


A lot of people don’t understand why a criminal check is done by a lot of employers and some people feel that it’s an invasion of privacy. But the fact is that many employers are justified in checking to see if someone has a criminal background and if it could impact what they are going to be doing in terms of working for them.

A criminal check is done for many reasons. For instance in the person is applying for a job that is around children then the employers might want to make sure that the person has no past problems with certain things. For instance having a problem with violence, or child abuse, or any kind of sexual abuse is going to be a problem. The employer might come under fire should anyone find out that they hired this person without doing a criminal check.


If the employer is a company that deals with large amounts of money then a criminal check is going to be needed to ensure that the person they are thinking about hiring is someone that doesn’t have a history of stealing. A person that is going to be around a lot of money needs to not have problem with being around money without taking it.

The basic idea is that an employer will do a criminal check on someone for many reasons; the main reason is to protect the people that are working there, and the customers. For instance people that have a history of violence or other problems need to be monitored or put into positions in which they don’t have to deal with a lot of people. Doing a criminal check will help to ensure this.

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Another reason that companies will do a criminal check is to make sure that their assets are safe. For instance banks and other places that handle money need to make sure that they are not hiring someone that has a long history or ripping off employers or robbing places. This means that they can put them in a position in which they don’t handle money or not hire them.

A criminal check is needed in certain situations to protect companies and more importantly people. Should something ever happen that harms someone because a company didn’t do a criminal check then the company could be held responsible in some ways, and this is not good for the company.
