Real Estate House

Discover 8 Tips For Housewives

Published at 03/09/2012 04:37:19

Tips for Housewives

If a person were to pay for the skills provided by housewives, it would cost a huge amount of money. Some people do not recognize housewives for what they are worth and yet they keep a home running smoothly, take care of kids, provide nourishing meals, and see that everyone stays healthy. With all these responsibilities it is important to take shortcuts wherever possible and fine tune how you handle household chores, emergencies, laundry, cooking, and gardening. Consider these useful tips for housewives to get chores done faster and make the day brighter.










Step 1

Housewives can buy a large calendar or try a small portable calendar to list music lessons, soccer practice, teenage work schedules, doctors appointments, school events and meetings. Small calendars offer the convenience of being portable, but large-sized wall calendars provide an easy method for viewing appointments and even the kids can use them.

Step 2

Keep a handy toolbox and repair manual in the house. Get a box specifically for common tools needed around the house. Put in several screwdrivers, a hammer, duct tape, pliers, a flashlight, and a toilet plunger. Because housewives are at home the most, any minor repairs fall to them and keeping the tools together makes fixing minor emergencies quicker and easier.

Step 3

Enroll in a basic cooking class at the local community college if you cannot cook well. Housewives will not only benefit, but the whole family will be delighted with your newfound skills.

Step 4

Housewives can save time and energy making up a weekly grocery list. Most people enter the grocery store the same way each week and walk the isles in the same order. Write up your grocery list with headings of each department in the same order they appear in the store. List headings for dairy, meats and produce on your list. Under each heading list items needed for that department. This organizes the list nicely and makes shopping a breeze.

Step 5

Devise a new weekly menu each week. This will establish what foods need to purchased at the grocery store and provides variety for the whole family as well as the cook.

Step 6

Change the look of the house both inside and out, if decorating or construction costs are within your budget. Evaluate the kids rooms or the living room and kitchen. Updating and changing decor makes the house more comfortable and a pleasing place to live.

Step 7

Housewives need to be careful about overloading their schedules. Although, you may not work a typical 9 to 5 job, there is only so much you can do in a day. Avoid burnout by tackling the impossible and make sure to allow some free time just for yourself.

Step 8

Remove the burden from housewives by teaching kids some homemaking skills. Kids can be taught how to load the dishwasher, put clothes in a hamper and sort clothes for the washer. Teach young ones how to weed the lawn and teenagers can clean up after the dog and mow the lawn.


Housewives can improve their job by being highly organized. Make a schedule that works well for your household and stick to it. If weekends are for the family, make sure house cleaning is done on a specific day and laundry every other day Monday through Friday.


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