Real Estate House

How To Determine the Amount For a House Down Payment?

Published at 03/08/2012 15:49:55


Determining you house down payment entails some procedure. Down payment is the amount of money you are required to have in taking a home loan. This money should come from your pocket in order to secure some home loan. There are various set percentages you could use in calculating your house down payment as well as other measures.

Step 1

Before you determine the amount to pay as house down payment, you first have to get the home you are purchasing. This could be through real estate agents who provide guides on all homes for sale. You could also get these homes from newspaper listings and the web. Financial institutions also present homes available for sale that you could as well consider. After getting the home, you should check on the cost, as that is what counts for down payment determination.

Step 2

The simplest way to determine the amount for a house down payment is basing your argument on the set percentages. Each company has their own set percentages individuals could use in their calculation. In most cases, these percentages range from 3% to 20% depending on the home loan lender.

Step 3

A great number of home loan lenders operate on a standard 20% house down payment. For this case, you can easily calculate the down payment from the cost of the house. This only requires you to multiply the overall cost of the house by 0.20. The amount you get is thus the down payment and you will find most lenders taking the amount. This prepares you as you can now choose the best home that goes in hand with your budget.

Step 4

The other alternative to determining the amount for a house down payment is consulting down payment calculator. These are standardized devices mostly available in the Internet. Down payment calculators offer you two choices of getting the down payment amount. This is by either percentage or the amount of cash you currently hold.

Step 5

The best option for house down payment calculators is basing on the amount you have. Calculating by the amount you have as down payment calculates the percentage of the down payment. This provides you with a chance to know how much cash you still have to get for the total down payment.

Step 6

With the house down payment calculator, you are only required to enter the amount for purchasing the house and select the down payment option. The options are percentage and amount that should be in dollars. On clicking the down payment amount, the calculator lays down the down payment you require for the home purchase.



These are the common procedures in determining the amount for any house down payment. Down payment calculators, being better alternative provides you accurate and fast results. They are online based to provide 24-hour access. This serves you anytime you require purchasing a house of your dreams. Determining the amount you require for house down payment is very healthy procedure. As a piece of advice, you should always go for the higher down payment that is over 20%. This means that you have little money to borrow for your home loan. This translates to lower monthly payments and other benefits.
