Care And Maintenance For Your Birdhouse
Real Estate House

Care And Maintenance For Your Birdhouse

Published at 03/29/2012 22:21:30


Care And Maintenance For Your Birdhouse

Birdhouses look really good and add to the scenic beauty of your garden. You can make them using wood and many other things. These birdhouses are built with wood and so they require the proper cleaning and proper care of it. If proper care is not taken, you can end up in a broken birdhouse. This can result from the parasites that might come and settle here in the house and harm it. Such parasites are the ones which are attracted on wood like termites and they eat away all the wood. There are many ways by which you can take care of your birdhouse and maintain it.

Step 1

You should clean the birdhouse once or twice a month. Since if you do not do so birds will come and start making a nest and soon you will see a nest here which you do not want as the nests cause untidiness and bring dirt to your garden.

Step 2

After this you must also try and painting the birdhouse once or twice a year because in a year there are 360 days and in these 360 days there are many days in which the rain occurs and because the rain the paint of the birdhouse wears off and it starts giving this really unpleasant sort of look which looks really unattractive. So you must paint it once or twice a year and also you must try painting your house with a color which will not wear off that quickly.

Step 3

The other thing that you to do to take care of your birdhouse is to provide protection against the wasps and bees which make nest in the birdhouse and also scare the birds out of the house. You can get rid of the wasp nests is by the help of sprays that are used specifically for the insects. In case there is a wasp nest that is grown there inside your birdhouse then you must immediately spray the house and clean it and exterminate the wasp nest out.

Step 4

There can also be the problem of mice in your birdhouse. You can get rid of the mice by the help of the exterminating sprays and everything and you can also make use of the tablets which are used to kill mice. The problem of mice gets in your way at the very start of spring season and is there throughout the winters. The problem goes away if proper cleaning is done.

Step 5

You also need to make sure that the drainage holes are properly built and if they need repairing you can repair and also if these drainage holes have something stuck in them which can happen in a year then you can clean the holes so that proper drainage is given to the birdhouse or else it will just overflow with the rain water and the dirt and will break.

Tips and Comments

If a birdhouse is not cleaned on a yearly or monthly basis, then your birdhouse will loose its beauty and to make it beautiful and look attractive you have to clean it and try maintaining its beauty.
