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Apartment House Rental Responsibilities And Rights

Published at 03/08/2012 15:52:17


Apartments are very well build storey flats or individual mansions build for the main purpose of renting them out to the public. They are built differently from singles to four to five bed roomed apartments. If you are a renter in an apartment house rental then it is very important for you to have knowledge on your basic rights and responsibilities. They are necessary for renters because they help you have a peaceful coexistence with your neighbors and your landlord. Apartments bring together so many people from different places to meet and peacefully coexist among each other. Having knowledge of the basic rights and responsibilities enables you to stay peacefully and know if your rights have been violated and the measures to take to solve the problem. It also teaches you to take responsibility and be accountable to the apartment you live in. The following points will help you get knowledge on the basic rights and responsibilities of apartment house rental.


Every tenant who has rented and apartment has the right to privacy. You have the right to your own home privacy and any trespassing to your apartment is an offence. Your landlord has no right to give any information about you or how you pay your rent or even what you own in your house.

You have the right to live in a decent and secure apartment house rental. Your landlord should make sure that your apartment house rental is in good condition and if anything is a miss then it is his responsibility to repair or replace. The apartment house rental should have adequate water and electricity supply, good disposal and sewer system and the house should have clean well dried paint for the renter to live comfortably. The apartment should be secure from all kinds of risks like fires, burglary or other forms of accidents.

You have the responsibility as a tenant to an apartment house rental to obey all the rules and regulations as set by the landlord. These rules should not be offensive or too rigid but should be about basic cleanliness and ethics like good behavior, avoiding conflict with the landlord and other renters and not to trespass to other renter’s property. When you follow this simple rules and regulations you will have a very comfortable stay at apartment house rentals.

You have the right to be provided with an eviction notice stating clearly a valid reason for your eviction. This is necessary to know since most landlords evict their tenants without any reason at all and this is an offence and a form of discrimination. It should be clear the reason for an eviction and if none the tenant has the right to take the landlord to court.


You have the responsibility to pay your rent in due time without being reminded by your landlord. You should act responsibly and pay rent when the time comes to pay without any hustles or you being pushed to pay all the time. You should also make sure that you’re apartment house rental is always clean and in good condition. Always live according to the apartment house rental rules for example removing garbage in a clean and safe way to avoid littering on the apartment’s compound.

You have the responsibility as a renter to an apartment house rental to obey all the rules and regulations as set by the landlord. These rules should not be offensive or too rigid but should be about basic cleanliness and ethics like good behavior, avoiding conflict with the landlord and other renters and not to trespass to other renter’s property. When you follow this simple rules and regulations you will have a very comfortable stay at apartment house rentals.

Tips and comments

This basic renter’s right and responsibility guide them to living simple peaceful lives in apartment house rentals. It is good to know these facts and practice them for peaceful coexistence with other people whom have rented just like you.
