Business Management

The Best Management Practices

Published at 02/27/2012 18:02:21

The Best Management Practices

This section aims to provide a better understanding of the best management practice, based on literature and input from practitioners and specialists worldwide.
Perspectives are structured on issues which are to be made respectively to be avoided.
They deserve to be analyzed and applied, by taking into account the context and reality of each organization.

A. Make the things in a structured way .
Structured and sequential approach is extremely important to develop the best management framework to meet the estimated needs.
Performance management covers a set of sub-processes that require time to be implemented, reviewed and improved. Thus, implementation tools, tools and performance management systems within the organization may take time, especially in the early.

B. Provide training for all the people involved .
In performance management, it is important that those who are involved may know and understand the purpose, process, goals and their role. Because the best management aims to improve the performance in the end,
everyone involved should contribute and be responsible for their role and objectives.

C. Perform a periodic review .
You need a regular performance evaluations, the process is known and communicated within the organization, to employees and managers.
Performance initiatives should be defined and tracked to the  monitor because the would improve it.
The best management at the individual level is important to define clear procedures, known to each evaluator, clearly explaining their responsibilities before, during and after their performance evaluation.
If employee performance is only reported annually, they may become suspicious and distrustful of the whole process of evaluation and reporting system , rather  when there is not a performance evaluation.
Using regular performance evaluations, with a constant feedback between them, creates an important premise to increase employee motivation.

D Ensure alignment and integration.
For any solution to the best management schedule to be implemented in the future, it must be adapted and correlated to those already in the force.
Integration solutions (system, tool, application software, and so on.) and alignment levels within
the organization are a very important process, and ofcourse the main influential factor for the best
management of performance.

E Do not expect immediate results.
Performance management is a long term investment. The most important effects can be seen in time, through the results obtained from a culture oriented to performance.
Best management programs need to address a long-term perspective, emphasizing employee development and process improvement .

Don;t draw too many procedures. This is a general principle that is applying, whether we consider the procedures, processes, tools, and systems.
Each performance solution or initiative should be implemented to meet the needs of the organization.
For example, Dashbord sites and scorecards are implemented in many organizations and they are at hand for viewing the key indicators at a glance.
However, they can be used for best management or performance improvement and the don't require any intelligence behind them.

Take your time to measure. Measurement is an activity in two phases following the establishment
of objectives. Measurement in the objectives is more effective then simple overall assessment,
as indicated level to achieve its targets.



