Business Management

Management And Recruitment

Published at 02/07/2012 03:14:33


Working alone can be an overwhelming experience. A person may have too much to do and easily become over-worked. Working also is also stressful as one has to multi-task. When things get too difficult to handle, a person may be tempted to hire employees. That may seem like a solution, but employees can bring their own set of problems. The management and recruitment process may be extremely difficult. The employees have to be trained, paid on time and kept motivated. They also have to be trained to improve their work skills and meet deadlines.


The history of management and recruitment began in the ancient times. In the Industrial Revolution, there were workers hired to work in factories and in coal mines. The management and recruitment was not a complicated process as most poor people ended up working in these jobs. There were no worker rights and most of them worked to earn the small wages they got at the end of the day. Today the situation is much different; workers are given flexibility in their work. People are allowed to pursue a career of their own liking and work at a place that suits their lifestyle. There are laws regarding everything starting from wrongful termination to sexual harassment. So, make sure you work at a safe environment which exercises everything.


Management and recruitment of staff can be a difficult process. Some things that employers can do to ensure that they are hiring the right people are to invest time in developing relations. These can be with recruitment offices, university career centres and executive search firms. The people can be judged on the basis of their skills and what tasks they can do. The employees who are short-listed should be kept on a trial basis to see how they operate in the environment.
The employees can be found with the help of current employees who work in the organisation. They can do a talent search through conducting workshops and seminars. The potential candidates can also be found at online job forums where they have posted their resumes and are available full-time.

Tips and comments

Some tips for management and recruiting a productive team of work are offering them flexibility. There should be a time frame allotted to new employees in case they are not successful in meeting the deadline. Their opinion should be valued so they can feel like an important part of the team. Along with that, bonuses are a great way to motivate people into working. If a certain employee is doing particularly well, he or she should be rewarded. The employee should not be controlling and oppressive but assertive enough to keep all the workers motivated. It is also extremely important to hire the people who can do the job instead of hiring someone who is not qualified or experienced enough. Employees should realise the importance of punctuality. In a working environment, it is also extremely important to look professional. The dressing sense, the attitude and the punctuality should all be kept in order.
