Business Management

Great Advice For Those Who Work in Top Management Positions

Published at 03/09/2012 23:41:14


Companies must have employees who can provide a range of services and products. It does not matter which industry or field. Few companies can survive without decent employees. These companies need qualifying people in place, including top management. Top management positions can include senior vice-presidents, directors of communications, chief finance officers, and marketing managers. Growing companies require stong, talented managers at the executive level who can excel and lead their teams. Great advice for those who work in top mangement positions is diverse. 

Top management personnel can help with company recruitment efforts. Weak recruitment efforts can lead to having less effective employees within a company. A good recruitment plan helps with hiring future managers and others who can grow into top managers. All top management should work closely with the human resources department to locate well-rounded employees. If you are a top manager, plan on spending time at different places for employee searches. Some of these employee searches will occur at job fairs. Other employee searches may happen via online job marketplaces and personal networking events. 


Top management must focus on good time control. These managers should keep detailed calendars that allow them to review a schedule at a glance. Without proper management techniques, the managers miss out on work-related projects and lose the respect of their employees. Top managements must teach their staff members about the importance of time management. They can hold meetings and offer a variety of suggestions. For examples, staff members can use timers to get their work completed quickly and effectively. 

Any top management personnel needs to know about business strategies. If a company does not have a reasonable business strategy, it can not keep up with customer demand and risks losing business to the competition. These managers must review key performance indicators, such as sales. Lower sales can imply reduced desire for a product or service. Top management must monitor any chances in performance indicators before making any drastic changes. Reducing staff members represents one drastic change to be avoided. A reduction in staff can lead to lower employee cooperation which makes managers look bad. Managers can weigh the pros and cons of any decision with other lead managers. 


Top management needs to maintain their skills set. Many of these positions require a bare minimum of a bachelor's degree in a specific field. Top of the degrees include marketing, business administration, finance, operations, and accounting. These managers may need to further their education and training. For example, a director of marketing with a bachelor's in marketing and 10 years of experience can go back for a master's degree. The advanced degree enhances the top managers employment. More companies are seeking top managers who have a well-rounded skill and keep up with regular changes. Some popular degrees for pursuit include a master's in business administration, marketing and global operations. 

Tips and comments

Maintain your health with fitness and nutrition. As a manager, you may work executive hours, ranging from 60 to 80 hours per week. This can lead to exhaustion. If you can perform your job, the company may need to find another person. 

Get help from qualified health professionals, such as nutritionists. You want a customized program based on your age, health and lifestyle.
