Business Small Business

Great Advice For Windows Server Small Business

Published at 03/26/2012 21:54:21


The windows server small business package is perfect for medium and small enterprises, as well as other companies that are looking for a reliable networking solution. the system allows 75 workstations, and it is a better solution than the classic Windows Server. as for the price difference, considering the advantages, we can say that the price difference is so small. The investment is covered fast, and the facilities offered by windows server small business will allow all the computers to access the resources of the network, each one having the privileges and restrictions imposed by the network administrator.

Step 1

The collaboration between employees is perfect with windows server small business, and teamwork means to concentrate all the information and to increase the productivity of the company, windows server small business is more than a mail collaboration feature, it is a complete package offering the next facilities:

- A managing solution for all the documents, allowing to group them around different tasks

Step 2

- An organization method for the personal and team activities, and the tasks assigned by the manager will reach the computers of the employees instantly. The employees will have to confirm that they have received the tasks and that they have started to work on them.

Step 3

- The managers have the possibility to delegate tasks to the employees, but also to set deadlines and to follow the progress
- With windows server small business, the managers also have the possibility to partition the contract and activities, so the teams would be able to accomplish the respective tasks in an efficient manner.

Step 4

- The information is also available with the smartphones, so the employees that are on the field would be able to access the respective information instantly
- The employees will even be able to access the network from home or from Internet cafés, a facility that is available with windows server small business for all the managers that are currently out of the city. This way, their office is with them all the time

Step 5

The facility called Outlook Web Access can be used with the Exchange Server, and the users will be able to access their mailbox from any server, browser or smartphone, no matter if they are working from home, or from an internet café. Even the faxing facility is available, improving the productivity of the employees working from home.


The companies will be able to have their own archive with windows server small business, being able to access the respective information whenever it is needed. usually, the archiving operations of a company are expensive, but with the help of windows server small business, you will not only have access to an advanced processing method, but also to a great method to manage your documents.

Sources and Citations

The management of operations is simple and efficient now, as you will be able to use centralized databases that are accessible for all the employees in the network with windows server small business, or only to a few of them, considering the needs of the managers. Of course, the product is integrated with MS Office and with Outlook, being a complete solution for any small company.
