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Names Of Some Of the Social Networking Sites

Published at 02/09/2012 03:57:48

What is social networking?

Social networking sites are those that allow users to communicate with one another and share information. They have become increasingly popular, due to their ease of use and widespread availability. It is much easier to keep your family informed of what is going on in your life if you are able to share it with them all at once, rather than sending multiple emails or making a lot of phone calls. The purpose of social networking is to keep people connected. Here are overviews of some of the most popular social networking sites.


Facebook is far and away the most popular of the social networking sites. Billions of people utilize Facebook. On this site, you can set up a profile with information such as your name, date of birth, where you work, where you've studied, who you are in a relationship with, and many other things. Facebook also allows for you to express your personality through sharing more personal information, such as religion and political views.

People can become your "friends" on Facebook, and this gives them access to more of your information. You can control your privacy and choose what your friends and the public can see. You can also join groups on Facebook to discuss issues with like-minded individuals, or "like" pages for music artists, celebrities, television shows, and movies. On Facebook, you can share text updates of unlimited length, photographs, videos, and links. Facebook also has many apps and games that you can play around with to pass the time, many of these played socially with friends.

Facebook is unique in its "Like" feature. You can click a button to "like" posts by others, and this is reflected on your profile. This makes it easy for others to get to know your personality, and for them to see if they have similar interests to your own.


MySpace is the predecessor of Facebook. While MySpace isn't quite as popular as it once was, it has held a large number of people. The profile on MySpace gives you more control over what your profile page looks like. You can edit the HTML code on this page, so there is a lot of room for customization. You can use any photograph or color that you'd like for the background, and change the icons, text style and color, and layout of your profile.

MySpace has apps as well, and you can post on your friends' profiles. These are called comments, and you can leave comments that contain graphics and coding as well. MySpace has an inbox/messaging service, as well. They do not have group pages, but they do have music pages.


Twitter is one of the least versatile social networking platforms, but one of the most popular. It is completely different from the two sites above, as it is for text updates only, called "tweets". The reason for this is because Twitter is geared toward mobile phone users. Tweets cannot be longer than 140 characters, which is the standard maximum length for mobile text messages. You can input your mobile phone number and receive tweets directly to your phone, or you can log into the website and view them there. You can follow people on Twitter, and this allows you to subscribe to all of their tweets.


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