How To Determine Cancer Rates
Diseases Cancer

How To Determine Cancer Rates

Published at 02/20/2012 21:19:31


How To Determine Cancer Rates

Statistical tools are necessary to calculate probabilities, comparisons, and progression of a certain subject. In medicine, statistics is used to determine the prevalence of a certain disease. Rate is commonly associated in terms of statistics. By definition a rate can be defined as the speed and development of a certain disease in a specific area. Through this, the health department can manage or control a certain disease via treatment or prevention. Today, most researchers focus on cancer research.

Step 1

Through their extensive data gathering and analysis, they were able to determine risk factors and incidences of this life threatening disease. How is this done? Here are the following steps that should be done to accurately determine the cancer rates of specific type of cancer. In all kinds of researches, statistical data and formulas are the most vital part in order to obtain a reliable, well-studied conclusion. In obtaining cancer rates, the most common research method applied is the descriptive method.

Step 2

To give you a brief idea what descriptive method is, it is a type of research where in all data gathered are based on observations and facts. Unlike experimental method of research where your conclusion is based on your experiments, descriptive method obtains its conclusion depending on what the population provided you. Using a correct research method is the first step in acquiring the rate of cancer. For example, you want to obtain cancer rates involving risk factors. Experimental research would be your best method to apply.

Step 3

Once you’ve determined which research method to take, you can now start gathering data. This process will again vary depending on what research method you are using. For example, you want to determine the cancer incidence rate in your area. Your research method for these cancer rates problems would be descriptive. Your data collection method would either be a survey or interview. For you to obtain reliable data, one must make sure to use valid references and ask competent individuals.

Step 4

However, to avoid biased answers one must choose sources accordingly. Do not limit your questions and data gathering in a certain area, you have to choose areas that would give varying results and let statistics calculate the cancer rates for you. After completing all necessary data, the next thing you will in order to determine cancer rates is to interpret the data. This is where the statistical formulas play its role in a research.

Step 5

Again, depending on what type of research and problem you are trying to apply and answer, this process would vary. The formula t-test is typically used in experimental methods.As for the descriptive type of research you can either use z-test or the simplest formula for cancer rates. In mathematical equation, the formula is shown as; rate = (number of individuals having cancer/total population) x 100, 000. Once you’ve calculated all necessary data, you have to compute twice or trice for accurateness. You can now derive your own conclusion based on the cancer rates you’ve calculated.


Once the research is completed, you have to submit it to the health department to inform the public of the necessary information provided that you obtained accurate cancer rates results. With these procedures you can now determine the cancer rates of your area and others.

Sources and Citations
