Suntrust And Its Online Banking Facility
Finance Banking

Suntrust And Its Online Banking Facility

Published at 01/08/2012 12:32:10


Suntrust And Its Online Banking Facility


Availing online facilities has become a new trend now. People find it much easier to sit back at home and carry out the essential tasks they need to do during the day, like, paying utility bills, giving taxes, buying airfares and shopping. This has become increasingly convenient with the rampant availability of internet for everyone at homes, offices, on their PDA’s and cell phones. Whenever you decide upon going for online banking, Suntrust comes in the mind because of its reliability.



Suntrust And Its Online Banking Facility


The most common use of online tasks that is being carried out is banking. It has benefits for the customers and the banks, both. People find this service much safer and it also cuts down the travelling costs. Suntrust is the most popular and leading bank of the United States. This bank is a merger between the earliest ancestral Trust Company of Georgia and SunBanks of Florida. The bank offers many services as it is now officially the best and leading bank in America. The services include banking on a retail and commercial level, services of asset management and issuing of credit and debit cards, mortgage banking, trust and insurance services, leasing goods, joint funds, and even security endowment policies. These are extremely top-level financial banking facilities and the sole purpose of the bank is to initiate a quality bonding between its employees and customers on both, commercial and personal levels.



Suntrust And Its Online Banking Facility


Suntrust also provides online banking facilities. It caters to all sorts of transactions to be made by the customer and, it also provides help and information on various financial policies. It has been made easier as customers can now open bank accounts and withdraw money from the ATMs. SunTrust online banking facility allows people to open up a savings account, write unlimited checks, pay bills, ask for loans (either educational, home, businesses, travelling etc.), view transactions assessment and activates online. With online banking, Suntrust is a gateway for customers to access their business and personal accounts. It provides a user ID which is unique for everyone and one can login confidentially as these are protected with passwords. Its money manager utility is extremely useful because it shows the cash flow of each individual under their profile, be it on a personal level or business level. One can transfer money between accounts, view statements, get alerts and reminders, view the best policies, select the best method of banking in which the bank is giving the highest percentage interest rate and one can also add more user ID’s. Another interesting banking solution is the online payroll system which aids the users to automatically make payments to their employees with just one click. SunTrust online banking has this additional facility which is excellent for the businessmen. Moreover, SunTrust also offers online help to its customers regarding their budget managing and investments etc.


Tips and comments


It is accessible to everyone 24/7 and one can make use of it while sitting at home and at any feasible time of the day. SunTrust online banking facility allows a safer mode for the money dealing business for people as this is a source in which people will not worry about theft and threats to their assets. Therefore, when you go for online banking, Suntrust should be your first and last choice.

