Finance Insurance

What You Need To Know About Insurance Attorneys

Published at 03/08/2012 14:59:08


Legal issues regarding insurances have been one of the fastest rising and most intriguing cases in the country today. With a number of insurance companies being involved in shocking exposes of fraudulent activities, people who are planning to acquire insurance plans as well as current insurance plan holders are now being more cautious and vigilant about matters pertaining to insurances. Because of this, the need to require legal assistance, particularly Insurance attorneys is increasing. For people who are not well-informed about these kinds of lawyers, here are some of the things that you need to know about insurance attorneys.

The scope of an Insurance Attorney’s job

Insurance Attorneys focuses their practice of law in three broad categories: first, regulation of the business of insurance; next is the regulation of the content of insurance policies particularly consumer policies; and lastly, regulation of claim handling. The main duty of insurance lawyers is the lawful enforcement of all insurance policies.

Different types of Insurance lawyers

Insurance attorneys practice in different areas of specializations to effectively meet the different needs of clients depending on the case. The following are the types of insurance attorneys and their respective functions.

First is the “Bad Faith” lawyer. They focus on cases where the insurance company has denied insuring the client or have a rejected a claim that a client has submitted. Next is the “Personal Injury lawyer”. They deal with uninsured motorist insurance on claims where the client is injured. Another is the “Worker’s Compensation lawyer”. They focused on clients who get injured in the work place. The “Social Security or Disability lawyer” caters clients who are filing a claim of benefits from government agencies like Medicare among others. The “Personal Injury lawyer” focuses on cases where a client is being injured by a third party. For clients who have a case regarding professional negligence, a “Malpractice lawyer” is the one to approach.

These types of insurance attorneys are divided to two different categories of clients. First is for those clients who are struggling to be included in the coverage of their own insurance policy. Second are for clients who are looking to be covered by someone else’s insurance company.

Things to consider when hiring an insurance attorney

Hiring the right insurance attorney to represent you and your case is crucial for the outcome of your legal battles. You need to set a certain criteria in choosing the perfect candidate. Here are some that you might want to consider.

First, work experience. How long has this lawyer been practicing and what is his/her track record are questions that help determine which lawyer to hire. Second, former clients. You need to have information as to who are the past clients of this attorney. Insurance attorneys who have represented insurance companies generally don’t represent consumers who have problems with insurance policies. Third, background of the law firm. Insurance attorneys who are affiliated with law firms who generally prefer to represent insurance companies are most likely to refuse prospect clients who have legal issues with their insurance policy.

Tips and comments

These are some of the things that you need to know about insurance attorneys. Choosing the right lawyer is the first step to addressing all your legal concerns. Be sure to carefully weigh all factors before you make your decision. They can make or break your chances of obtaining rightful justice.


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