
Car keys mean freedom to young drivers. However, to an insurance company it means more money. This is because young drivers insurance is expensive due to their inexperience making them prone to accidents. Fortunately, parents can get inexpensive young drivers insurance but you will need to know how to find it.
Step 1
A young driver who is still in school needs to maintain at least a “B” average in order to qualify for inexpensive young drivers insurance. This is not something that you should lie about either because a lot of insurance companies will actually request a copy of your student’s report card. So, encourage your young driver to keep their grades up in order to qualify for inexpensive young drivers insurance.
Step 2
Have your child take a driver’s ed course. This should have both a classroom and an on the road driving component to it. Many insurance agents believe that just because you can pass the driver’s test doesn’t mean that you are actually able to drive well. They also know that the more experience a young driver has, the less likely they will be to get into an accident. Therefore they are willing to give you a discount on young drivers insurance if your child takes a driver’s ed course.
Step 3
Set boundaries for your young driver. This will help to prevent any accidents. For instance, you can forbid them to text or talk on their cell phone while they are driving. You can also forbid them from having any rowdy friends in their car whenever they are driving since they could cause a big distraction for your child. By setting boundaries you will reduce these types of distractions for your child. This is important because you won’t be able to get inexpensive young drivers insurance if your child has a tendency to get into a lot of accidents. If you already have inexpensive young drivers insurance, when your child does get into accidents you will probably lose this inexpensive young drivers insurance.
Step 4
Whenever selecting the vehicle that your child is going to be driving, you should do so with great care. Believe it or not, the type of car they drive will have a great impact upon how much you pay for young drivers insurance. For instance, if you get your child a brand new Lexus, you can expect to pay a whole lot more money for your child’s insurance. On the other hand, if you purchase a high quality car that is a few years older and has plenty of safety features built into it, you will actually pay less money for your child’s insurance.
Step 5
Make sure to shop around whenever you are looking for insurance for your young driver. Take the time to get multiple quotes from multiple insurance companies. If you plan to add your child onto your car insurance policy, make sure that you get quotes for switching all of the drivers to the new insurance company. You should be able to get a discount for having multiple drivers and for paying your insurance every 6 months.
Young drivers should drive older cars that are loaded with safety features as this will help bring down the cost of their insurance.
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