Finance Insurance

How To Get Cheap Health Insurance

Published at 02/09/2012 19:58:30


Health insurance may seem like a complicated procedure which involves more expenditure than you can afford. However, this is not always the case and getting yourself and your family insured is the wisest thing one can do in order to save future expenses that might go much higher than your savings. For those who are strapped for cash, a cheap health insurance policy will come to the rescue.

Step 1

To obtain cheap health insurance, the first thing you need to do is make sure that you obtain your insurance only from companies who are authorized to do this. Researching the potential insurer’s terms, conditions and policies is extremely important. Check out the different plans offered by the company that would enable you to obtain cheap health insurance. Generally companies offer many policies and it’s quite likely that getting just one policy is not enough to cover all the aspects that you need insurance for, so the best idea is to pair up insurance plans to obtain greater coverage in case any of any accidents.

Before buying any policy, make sure that you know the following terms as this will help you in your search for obtaining cheap health insurance which meets your requirements.

Premium: This is the sum that you, as the customer, must pay in order to buy the policy.

Co-payment: This is an additional expense that the customer must pay each time he/she visits the doctor. This is a fixed amount and the insurance company pays the remaining expenses after this.

Deductible: This sum is to be paid by the policy holder, and after this is paid, the insurance company takes up and starts paying the bills.


Step 2

Before buying any policy, make sure that you know what services are not covered by the company, what the maximum amount (coverage limit) that will be paid by the company is and any additional details of importance.

Step 3

The best thing to do in order to buy cheap health insurance is to purchase it when you’re still young. This will ensure that you get better benefits and also, insuring your family will help you to save up, as each member of the family is exposed to equal risk of facing an unprecedented calamity.

Step 4

Another practical way of buying cheap health insurance is to utilize the cost sharing provisions that are offered by the company. A co-payment concept is one that requires that the insured person pays a little part of the entire cost and the rest is handled by the insurance company. Sub-limit is another factor that you need to consider and this is the maximum amount of money that a person can take in one time (this can be in one day, or one visit to the doctor).

Step 5

An important factor which may be overlooked is filling up of the cheap health insurance form accurately and fully. Make sure that all information given in the form is completely true and don’t leave any mandatory fields blank. You may cause cancellation of your insurance policy if you provide incomplete or untrue information.

Tips and Comments

Obtaining cheap health insurance at a time when you are fit and healthy will save you the tension of having to run about arranging funds in case you or your family member meet an accident and require immediate medical care. Due to this reason, its always better to keep yourself safe from unexpected financial crisis by purchasing a suitable yet cheap health insurance policy before hand and insuring yourself and your family.
