Finance Loan

How To Get a Government Loan

Published at 03/22/2012 21:34:03


Many people these days are looking to start their own businesses and hoping they might can get a government loan or grant to help them. A new business can be expensive, and for most people an unattainable dream. With a government loan, you can get the financial backing that you need and have time to get your business up and running in the black before you begin repaying the loan. As with any loan, it is important that you not jump into a decision too quickly. This is a process that you should take your time on and truly make sure that you are informed about all of the aspects of the governement loan process.

Step 1

The first step to getting a government loan is to come up with a business plan and goals. The government will want to review your business plan and see a five to ten year goal on how you plan to run your business and become financially sound. You must provide this information before you will even be considered for a business loan from the government. It often helps to get a professional to help you draw this up, because it needs to be polished and professional before you present it for your loan decision.

Step 2

You must also fully detail how you plan to invest the government loan into your business. If you are not fully aware of this, you must sit down and go over all aspects of your business plan and expenses. You must figure in your startup costs and other aspects of the business operation. You must also have a plan in mind of when you want to reach the goal of having your business operating in the black. These are things that must be done for the government loan process to even begin.

Step 3

There are many government loan websites that claim to give you information on real government loans. Do not be fooled into paying for this information. This information is readily available by searching and there is no need for anyone to be conned into having to buy it. If a site is asking for your money or personal information, get out of there quickly. There are so many scams, it helps to check with the Better Business Bureau to get information on any loan program. This will check for fraud and other complaints. You can also read reviews to gain insight on the company.

Step 4

A great site to find information on different types of government loans, is the Gov Loans site. This site has a wealth of government loan information and it is categorized by type. The site also gives you tips on how to apply and gives other information on government loans. This can be very helpful when you are searching for a loan and don't know which direction to get information from. This site is very helpful in planning your loan applications and learning about the types of government loans that are available.

Step 5

You can also get help with a government loan by visiting a financial advisor. They can give you a lot of direction in finding the right loan program for your business. They can also help with your business budget and in getting your financial matters in order. Financial advisers are worth the cost because they can give you peace of mind, knowing that you are making the best financial decisions for your business. This is so important if you are not financially savvy. This is a great way to get the help that you so desperately need for your business finances.


  • Check search sites to gain information.
  • Check with the BBB for fraud.
  • Get help from a financial adviser.
  • Plan for your business loan.
  • Make a five year business plan.
  • Know your business goals.

Sources and Citations


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