Health Supplements

The Benefits Of the B6 Vitamin

Published at 02/21/2012 01:17:22


The B6 vitamin is part of the vitamin B complex, and is a vital nutrient for keeping healthy. It has been used to treat more than a hundred health conditions, and its deficiency can cause severe morning sickness in expecting mothers, eczema, impaired nerves, anemia, depression, carpal tunnel syndrome (this is the tingling and pain in wrists after straining them), etc.

B6 vitamin is a water soluble vitamin and is easily absorbed by the body, and flushes out just as easily, not leaving enough for accumulation or toxicity. However, as with all other vitamins, B6 vitamin should be taken only after consultation with a doctor. 50mg per day is the maximum amount that can be taken without the doctor's supervision.


Health Benefits

Pyridoxine, a component of vitamin B6, has a role to play in the prevention of heart disease. It prevents the production of a substance which ultimately leads to the build-up of plaque in the blood vessels. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

As mentioned above, a deficiency of Vitamin B6 can cause depression. Vitamin B6 supplements can better the mood of those who are depressed.

For those who suffer from frequent kidney stones, vitamin B6 has been used along with magnesium to prevent such a thing from happening. This is achieved through a three-month course of the vitamin B and magnesium combination. For a very long time, the vitamin has also been used very effectively to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.


Also, women who suffer from acute forms of pre-menstrual syndrome, or PMS, are advised to take B6 vitamin as it helps in the regulation and balance of estrogen if taken with regularity. It prevents tenderness of breasts, bloating and acne that are caused by the hormonal changes that occur about a week before a woman's period is about to begin. This also means that skin problems which are caused because of hormonal changes, such as blemishes and spots, are kept at bay because of the intake of vitamin B6.

Those who are overweight, along with a proper diet and plenty of exercise, could rely on a B6 vitamin to help with weight loss, as it is related to the breaking down of carbohydrates and converting them into calories that can be used to carry out daily activities. The risk of developing Parkinson's disease is cut in half by the proper intake of B6 vitamin, says a recent study from the Netherlands.

Tips and comments

The B6 vitamin is found naturally in both its free and bound forms in both plants and in meats, and both the free and bound form have nearly the same effects and functions. The plant sources are bananas, brown rice, sunflower seeds, walnuts, wheat germ, peas, avocado, cantaloupe, potato, oatmeal, etc. Animal sources are liver, chicken breast, salmon, trout etc. However, even with the abundance of vitamin B6, it seems that most people are simply not getting enough of it.

Nearly 50% of the nutrient can be lost because of processing of food, such as canning or freezing, but the loss is minimum for plant sources.
