Benefits Of Vitamins One a Day
Health Supplements

Benefits Of Vitamins One a Day

Published at 02/22/2012 21:56:06


Benefits Of Vitamins One a Day

One a day vitamins are another name for multivitamins that contain all the major vitamins that are required by our body in just one tablet. These vitamin tablets should be consumed daily at least once in order to have a proper balance of all the vitamins in the body. These tablets are sold under various categories such as for men, women, children, teenagers, pregnant women and old aged people.


Vitamins one a day are basically of two types, those that are natural and the synthetic ones. The natural one a day vitamins are composed of natural food extracts where as the synthetic ones consist of artificially synthesized vitamins. The composition of various vitamins one a day multivitamin varies according to the category under which it belongs, like for women a greater percentage of vitamin D while that for men may have more vitamin C, whereas for old aged people vitamin B12 may be more. In any case all kinds of one a day multivitamins have all the major vitamins along with traces of certain essential minerals such as zinc, magnesium and iron. All in all these vitamins one day tablets are a complete package which is sold under the guarantee of providing robust health and benefits.


One a day multivitamins have in general proved to be very successful when it come to providing a daily supply of essential nutrients. Though there is nothing better than a good healthy diet, the main advantage that vitamins one a day have over a vitamin diet is that they enter the blood stream faster than food, from which vitamins are extracted via break down where as these multivitamins don’t need any special break down. Apart from that consuming a proper healthy vitamin diet daily is not as simple as it sounds. Not many people specifically children are fond of fish liver oils and green leafy vegetables and many can’t simply afford to buy loads and loads of meat and vegetables. In such cases vitamins one a day come in handy as they are easier and more convenient to consume. And since vitamins are essentially required for a good health, vitamins cannot be ignored, therefore a need of consuming multivitamins is self explanatory. Vitamins one a day are better than consuming supplements of one type of vitamin (unless medically required) as they are mix of all the major vitamins that our body constantly needs. When all the major vitamins are present in a good quantity in our body our body naturally becomes stronger and our health enhances.

Tips and comments

Though both synthetic and natural vitamins one a day have successful results its always better to buy the natural ones as compared to the synthetic ones, as the former have less side effects as compared to the latter. Also the natural ones are better metabolized than the synthetic ones. With all that being said, there is no doubt that daily consumption of one a day vitamins can lead to good health, a good diet should never be ignored even if you are taking these tablets. Remember good and shining health can only be achieved if fats and junk food is avoided at maximum even if you take multivitamins daily.
