How Good Are Life Vitamin Supplements
Health Supplements

How Good Are Life Vitamin Supplements

Published at 02/22/2012 22:03:26


How Good Are Life Vitamin Supplements

Life extension vitamins or “life vitamin” as they are known by health enthusiasts are usually a healthy blend of vitamins and minerals that can be taken orally in a liquid or tablet form, eliminating the need to take multiple dosages or different combinations of oral vitamin supplements. Most companies selling life vitamin market them as a wholesome product that helps you retain a healthy balance in your life by introducing the health giving benefits of multi vitamins, minerals and natural nutrients to your body.


Most of the health and diet supplements in the market today exist in the form of ready-packaged tablets that can be washed down once a day with water, fulfilling your standard daily requirement of vitamins. However, another product for those looking at options other than regular pill popping, is a food supplement that comes in liquid form, something palatable as well as healthy which can be consumed straight out of a can or bottle. In this regard, one of the best products in the market if the Organic Life Vitamin, which is a blend of 24 vegetables and superfruits and has essential nutrients such as Vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Apart from these, Organic Life Vitamin also contains organically farmed fruits such as pomegranates, apples, blackberry, mango, orange, cranberry along with nutritious vegetables such as kale, peas, pupkin, tomatoes, beets and carrots. These help the energy rich drink in providing the body with a natural food based source of vitamins and nutrients packed with the added power of trace minerals.


Organic Life Vitamin also contains a number of additional organic supplements such as Aloe Vera, a range of essential amino acids, sodium picolinate and selenium, all of which help in maintaining a healthy and balanced metabolism, as well as maintaining the health of joints, organs and connective tissues, helping in keeping away diseases that come with poor nutrition and old age. However, all these healthy sounding benefits aside, one of the greatest benefits of this supplement drink is its ease of use. For people who lead extremely active lifestyles and who want to avoid pill popping, it is an absolute must have. Not only can you mix it with your breakfast smoothie, add it to your daily glass of protein shake, you can simply enjoy it on the go, drinking it like a regular juice or a healthier version of your favorite soft drink.

Tips and comments

Additionally, for people looking into alternate ways of taking their daily dose of required life vitamin and supplements, it is recommended that they look into other vitamin/supplement drinks on the market which may suit their palate better. For instance if you like a particular flavor in your drinks, or if you prefer to keep the veggies out of anything you drink, you might like to visit your nearest health and whole foods store and check out the products currently on the market. It is also important to remember that you will need to experiment and try a few different products before you find the one that suits both your nutritional needs and your palate.
