Are Weight Loss Supplements Effective?
Health Supplements

Are Weight Loss Supplements Effective?

Published at 03/14/2012 20:52:58


Are Weight Loss Supplements Effective?

Are weight loss supplements effective is often a question that many people ask. Many people make New Year's resolutions to diet and exercise. They might start off with a lot of excitement and energy, but want to quit by the middle of January. Some people them turn to weight loss supplements to give a boost to the weight loss regime, because they do not want to exercise. If you are this type of dieter than it will be hard to have a successful time losing weight. Therefore, spend some time reading more to discover if weight loss supplements are effective.

Are They Effective?

There are numerous weight loss supplements on the market. They all claim to do a variety of jobs such as reduce your fat, help you lose inches or decrease your appetite. These weight loss supplements range from liquids, capsules or even teas that you drink. If you can think of a particular form of weight supplement, you can be sure it is available. With all of these supplementals on the market, it is easy to see why so many people become confused about their effectiveness. Many people wonder what is the right one to take and do they achieve proven results.


In terms of weight loss supplements, the most effective ones are those that reduce a person’s appetite. How those weight loss supplements work is to influence the chemicals in the brain to make the person think they are not hungry. This gives the brain the feeling of being well fed. As a result, the person will lose the need to eat or will eat a smaller portion of food. As this continues, there is a reduction in the amount of weight the person has because they have reduced their food intake on a daily basis. These are the original type of weight loss supplementals and can be quite effective. Remember that they are not a magic cure and when you do eat, the types of food that you place in your mouth can increase your weight. Another type of weight loss supplements that some people wonder about are those that claim to burn fat and reduce cellulite. Some of these supplements will give horrendous claims that you will lose many inches in only a few days. These weight loss supplements are often manufactured with ingredients that have not been listed as safe by the FDA. You are taking them at your own risk because there are not enough or any medical trials to backup the weight loss claims.

Tips and comments

Other weight loss supplements state they can help you lose weight by undergoing a detoxification of your system. The manufacturers of these supplements claim that you will need to remove a buildup of food and harmful toxins. When you take these types of supplements you end up losing weight, but only because it removes water from your body and dehydrates you. Over time the “weight loss” stops as the body is unable to remove any more water from it. Therefore, the only type of weight loss supplements you can truly trust are those prescribed or recommended by a doctor.
