Health Supplements

the Best Mineral Vitamin Supplements

Published at 03/01/2012 17:04:38


It would be awesome if we could get all the minerals and supplements we need from the food we eat, but unfortunately that is not always the case. Our bodies require different types of vitamins and minerals to keep us healthy, functioning at our best and energized. When shopping for a mineral vitamin, it is best to consult with your doctor as he or she can give you the absolute best suggestions as to what your own personal body needs to work at it's best.

The Best Mineral Vitamin You Should Take

Magnesium: Magnesium is the very best mineral vitamin you could take. Magnesium should be taken daily with a calcium vitamin. Magnesium’s main purpose is to help your body absorb calcium. It is also essential for you enzymes as it assists them to react. This mineral vitamin is also beneficial for energy production, neuro-muscular contractions and protein synthesis. If you want to protect yourself from osteoporosis, then magnesium’s mineral vitamin is the very best choice for you. It also helps fight off fatigue and in women, muscle cramping during PMS.

Other Mineral Vitamins that Are Great For You

Potassium: Potassium is another beneficial mineral vitamin. Potassium is known to assist in lowering blood pressure as well as preventing strokes. It helps normalize our heart rhythms, muscle contractions and regulates the body's water balance.

Zinc: We don't hear too much about Zinc but it is an essential mineral vitamin, that the body needs to work properly. Zinc helps strengthen the immune system and also helps with sexual function. The mineral vitamin, Zinc, also has properties that helps heal wounds faster, leaves our skin clear and can help fight off the common cold.

Selenium: Selenium is another important mineral vitamin. Selenium is especially beneficial in older folks as it helps prevent rheumatoid arthritis. This mineral vitamin also has cancer fighting properties as well as helps reduce joint inflammation.

Manganese: Manganese is a great mineral vitamin for those who have diabetes. Manganese assists in the healthy function of enzymes. Manganese also is known to keep people energizes, helps people metabolize foods a lot quicker and also can help control blood sugar levels.

Tips and comments

When it comes to mineral vitamins, it's always suggested you speak to your doctor before taking any supplement or vitamin. Some vitamins and supplements can have a bad interaction with any other medications or vitamins you may be taking. A good mineral supplement can be very important to your body, helping with normal cell functions and keeping your bones and tissues healthy. You can purchase any of the above mineral supplements from your local grocery store, pharmacy, nutrition store or health food store. You could even purchase any of the mentioned vitamins online. They are also very inexpensive, so it's easy on the wallet for you to get all the essential mineral vitamins you need. When buying a mineral vitamin and/or supplement, always make sure to take the vitamins as directed (on the bottle) as if you take too much, it can cause more harm than good. Too much of something, is never a good thing!
