Health Supplements

What Vitamin Food Needed To Protect Bones

Published at 03/05/2012 14:55:24


Of all the things that are important to most people, good health remains one of the top most important things throughout life. Exercising, eating healthy, quitting bad habits, reducing stress and getting enough food vitamin and minerals are among the things that people are doing every day to keep their health at its best as long as possible.


One dreaded ailment that seems to affect many people, both male and female as they get older, is bone disease. Bone disease comes in many forms such bone cancer, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, arthritis to name a few of the most common ones. Many things contribute to bone problems. A bone ailment may be inherited and present and birth and just does not make an appearance until later in life or, most likely, it is simply caused my aging and lifestyle. Some things that can cause bone problems include lack of exercise, smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol and not getting enough vitamin food in the diet. There are many things that one can do to protect bones such as exercise more, give up any bad habits such as smoking and drinking, reduce caffeine and soda and increase the amount of vitamin food and minerals in your diet.


Vitamin food in either food that has been artificially enriched with vitamins or has naturally occurring in it already. Some vitamins that are important for bone health include calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin B. Vitamin food can come in the form of multi-grain bread, yogurt, cheese, fruits, vegetables, certain nuts and fish. Eating these foods every day is also great for overall health and will certainly keep your bones healthy as much as possible.

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There are other ways to get vitamin food in your diet to protect your bones too. Green drinks that contain barley are a great thing to drink each morning on an empty stomach. Ground flax seeds are great for bones health and so are omega 3 oils that can be found in olive oil and fish oil. Calcium smoothies are also a great meal replacement with vitamin food in them to help keep bones healthy. All of these supplements are available at most grocery stores, health food stores, drug stores and even some department stores. Green drinks usually come in powder form while flax seeds can be bought already ground or in full seeds. If you are unable to get enough vitamin food from your food alone, than you can always supplement with vitamin food capsules. You can buy vitamin and mineral supplements almost everywhere these days. Typically they cost anywhere from five to fifteen dollars depending on what vitamin you are buying and this is usually for a 3 month supply. There are a number of brands available and some even mix two or three various vitamins together. Taking a multi-vitamin to get enough vitamin food is also another option as a multi will have a little bit if everything you need and there are some that are tailored specifically to bone health.
