Health Supplements

About Vitamin Skin Care

Published at 03/05/2012 18:49:25


We humans go to great lengths in order to maintain our overall health and look good for as long as we possible can. There is no definite fountain of youth that has been found yet but there are certainly many ways to look after our bodies and, most importantly, our skin. There are many ways to get great looking and young looking skin including drinking plenty of water, exercising, using moisturizers and sunscreens, washing regularly and eating right. Another great way to get great skin is with vitamin skin care and vitamin skin care can be internal or external care or both. Below are some tips on how to incorporate both into to your daily health and beauty routine.


As we now know, internal health is just as important as external health and that goes for the skin as well. The skin is the bodies largest organ and the one most visible so it is of high importance that we take good care of it. As the old saying goes, you are what you eat and this is true when it comes to how your skin looks in relevance to what you put into your body. If you eat a lot of junk food, sodas and caffeine and no fruits and vegetables, that will show in your skin as well as it will in your overall health. The same thing goes for if you smoke or drink a lot of alcohol. Internal vitamin skin care can come in the form of supplements or foods that are either enriched with vitamins or have vitamins naturally occurring in them. Fruits, vegetables, cheese, milk, yogurt and some nuts and grains are just some of the healthy foods out there that are great for vitamin skin care. If you are not getting enough vitamins from the foods you eat, you can take vitamin supplements that come in capsule for in a bottle available at most drug stores, grocery stores, health food stores and department stores. A multi-vitamin is a great way to get a variety of things you need and there are vitamin skin care products on the market that are targeted towards vitamin skin care. Taking a fiber supplement daily and drinking lots of water are also great ways to flush toxins from the system to reveal clear skin. Flax seeds and olive oil are great to take internally and help give you healthy skin.


External vitamin skin care involves the use of soaps, creams, lotions and moisturizers. First you need to determine what type of skin you have and than speak with a cosmetologist or someone who is knowledgeable about skin care and the products to recommend one that is best for you. For best results, start in the morning by washing face, applying a toner and than applying sunscreen for outdoor or a day cream for indoors. At night, wash face with a stronger cleanser to wipe the dirt and grime of the day off, followed by a toner and night cream. At least once a week, exfoliate the face and apply a mask suited to your skin type to get rid of surface impurities and clean the pores.

Tips and comments

Following these simple guidelines will ensure that you notice results in your skin within only a couple of weeks. Maintaining a healthy vitamin skin regimen will ensure that you have beautiful skin for your entire life.
