Health Supplements

Advantages Of Eating Whole Grain Foods Over Taking Fibre Suplements

Published at 03/19/2012 13:14:29


The world is moving in a very fast pace. Now a day’s people concentrate so much in their career and professional life that they hardly have time to take proper care of themselves. This is because of the pressure that everyone is facing due to various factors such as work and family. Because of these issues, most of them do not find time to cook and eat proper food and also they do not do proper exercise. Some of them try to compensate the lack of energy supply by taking in nutrients in the form of fibre suplements. It is very important that every one of us realize that it is not always good to provide the energy that our body requires through these fibre suplements instead we should incorporate the practice of eating whole grain foods. By applying this practice in our daily life, one can benefit a lot of good things and also maintain good health for a long period of time.


In the olden days, a lot of importance was given to eating healthy food. There were a lot of recipes and food items that were being cooked everyday that used to contain a good supply of all kinds of vitamins, minerals and nutritional benefits. That was because during earlier days, the life style was quiet different when compare to the present day’s life style and hence they were able to have a hold on the amount of the nutrient intake on a daily basis. So basically people were not dependant on fibre suplements but instead they had their own natural way of providing the best healthy food for a healthy living.


The most important reason why eating whole grain foods over taking fibre suplements are that we provide our body with the best available natural nutrients. We get all the vitamins, minerals and fiber by eating whole grain foods and thus it increases the energy levels and thereby eventually leads to increased productivity of a person in terms of work and also activeness. More over taking fibre suplements in the form of tablets or pills makes us addicted or dependant on them thereby leading to a state where one feels that he or she is weak without these fibre suplements.

Tips and comments

Now that one has come to know about the advantages of eating whole grains and the disadvantages of taking fibre suplements, it is important that we also know in what way we can include whole grains food in our daily dietary plan. A huge list of whole grain foods is available and a variety of foods can been prepared using these cereals such as wheat, oat, barley, maize, rice, sprouted grains etc. These grains can be cooked in various forms. For example rice can be boiled and mixed with some curries to get the right mineral supply. Similarly we can make whole wheat bread and pasta to add taste and spice. This way we can improve our health in a natural way by eating whole grains rather than taking in fibre suplements.
