Benefits Of Taking Natural Vitamins
Health Supplements

Benefits Of Taking Natural Vitamins

Published at 02/20/2012 00:21:03


Benefits Of Taking Natural Vitamins

Vitamins are one of the most commonly known health related supplement as they are often associated with fulfillment of deficiency of various important and necessary nutrients in the body. But what most people don’t know is that vitamins usually bought form the market are synthetic and considered to be less effective than vitamins natural. For getting vitamins natural ways are far better than artificial ones because of one main reason which is the fact that natural vitamins don’t undergo the processing of factories and manufacturing. They are simply what nature intends them to be.


Benefits Of Taking Natural Vitamins

Vitamins were known to many ancients before and used to cure many things that modern science has now made the general public aware of. Egyptians are said to offer liver to the person who faced night blindness. Also when sailors were far away and faced scurvy due to lack of water they used lime water to cure it when they found limes on their voyages. Scurvy was rampant during the times of voyages and discoveries when long sea expeditions were undertaken by sailors to find new lands. Vitamins natural intake was a great help to fight deficiencies and diseases for many before us and still continues to do so.


Benefits Of Taking Natural Vitamins

Those vitamins, natural foods are used to get are beneficial to the human health primarily because they are defined as an extract from a raw natural source and kept as pure as possible. This can be of great benefit to the users of natural vitamins due to the fact that sometimes natural vitamins have co factors along with them. For instance when we extract vitamin C from its raw natural source we also get a co factor called bioflavonoid. These are also known as vitamin P and help in their positive effect on the permeability of our vascular capillaries. Natural vitamins have many advocates who are consistent about their opinion that synthetic vitamins are not that useful and may be void and unhelpful. They reinforce their case with the fact that Vitamin E when taken in its raw form that is in d-form is far more potent and beneficial for human health than the synthetic one taken in the dl- form. Natural Vitamins are also useful as they have the purity factor compared to synthetic vitamins which have to undergo the entire process of being made into supplements. Natural Vitamins are easier and cheaper to get since supplements that happen to be the best in the market come with a higher price tag on them.

Tips and comments

One must not forget the advantages of synthetically made vitamins as they too deliver what is promised of them. This means that as soon as they enter our digestive system they convert back into natural form and act like the vitamins natural foods contain. Therefore one must not begin to scrutinize all the synthetic vitamins as they too are beneficial but one should definitely also be aware of the benefits of natural vitamins which are far more than those of artificially made vitamins.
