Health Supplements

How To Take a Complex Vitamin

Published at 02/11/2012 23:05:48


The B complex vitamin is a water soluble vitamin and includes thiamine B1, riboflavin B2, niacin B3, pantothenic acid B5, pyridoxine B6, cobalamins B12, biotin and folic acid.

The vitamins in the B complex each have their own different structure and work to carry through particular functions of the body. They help promote more energy, important in amino acid metabolism, and help in the division of cells.

The proper dosage of taking a B complex vitamin varies greatly from each individual. It can range anywhere from 3 mcg daily to 18 mcg every day.

The B complex vitamin is good for a number of uses including in healing wounds, with acne rosacea, canker sores, the withdrawal of alcohol, athletic performance, anxiety, attention deficity hyperactivity disorder, indigestion, heartburn, hives, low stomach acidity, premenstrual syndrome, osteoporiosis and vitiligo.

Step 1

When taking a B complex vitamin a person can choose to either take the vitamin supplement with food or without. Though some people may have experienced some heartburn or an upset stomach that taking the complex vitamin with a meal may help alleviate any discomfort from an upset stomach.

When taking a vitamin B complex you will want to take your vitamin with food preferably first thing in the morning. The complex vitamin will be able to better absorbed if taken with some food. This will allow the vitamin to be broken down and support your body for the whole day.

Step 2

You can choose to take your B vitamins with another any other vitamin supplement such as Vitamin E, C or any other that you prefer. If taking with Vitamin E, be advised that Vitamin E is fat soluble and is more absorbed into your body when it is taken with a meal that has some healthy fats. A good choice of foods would be seeds, nuts, avacodoes, lean meats, olive oil and flaxseed

Step 3

To save on time and to make things easier if you are taking more than one supplement, you can take them all at one time. Vitamin C and the B complex vitamin are both water soluble and are lost daily through your urine. The vitamin E among other vitamins that can be found in a multivitamin do not interfere with one another and help to complement the cell structure and provide good health

Step 4

A few things to keep in mind when taking a B vitamin complex is to know and understand any possible side effects that may be incurred. With taking any form of medication or supplements, side effects are always a possibility. Here are a few possible side effects to be on the watch for: constipation, dark or green stools, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, headache and drowsiness. There have been some adverse effects noted in a few people. If you experience any severe reactions such as the ones following you need to seek immediate attention from a physician. Be mindful of the following: itching, difficulty in breathing, hives, rash, tightness of the chest, swelling of the lips, face, mouth or tongue, feeling like your entire body is swollen, feeling of numbness or tingling sensation over your skin

Step 5

Proper dosage is important when taking a B complex vitamin. Dosage varies and will depend on your age as well if you are pregnant or nursing


Sources and Citations
