Health Supplements

the Best Supplements To Lower Cholesterol Levels

Published at 02/15/2012 04:56:54



High cholesterol is an ailment that affects many people and it is a cause for concern because it can prove dangerous and have negative affects on health. It does not discriminate against gender or age as anyone can be diagnosed with it at any time. Cholesterol is a substance that is made up of fat that clings to various cells in the body. Although the body needs a small amount of it to maintain proper function, too much cholesterol can be unhealthy and even deadly if not treated properly because people with high cholesterol are at higher risk of coronary heart disease. There are many ways to lower cholesterol or get rid of the problem altogether and one way is with supplements. Below is a rundown of some of the best supplements to lower cholesterol levels.


There are many drugs on the market that can be prescribed by a doctor to help lower cholesterol but these are not always the best supplements for everyone. Some people have a mild case that has not advanced to dangerous levels which can be treated with natural remedies. One of nature’s best supplements is garlic. Garlic naturally lowers cholesterol in a safe and effective manner. In fact, some doctors even prescribe it in mild cases.

Soy Isoflavones is also among the best supplements for high cholesterol because it is similar to some of the natural hormones that are already in the body.

Of course, most of are aware of the positive effects that essential fatty acids have on the body but most of us may not be aware of how effective they are at helping to reduce cholesterol.

Another best supplement is Guggul lipids which are tree resins that help the liver break down excess cholesterol and expel it from the body.

Artichoke leaf has been proven in numerous tests to be another best supplement for lowering cholesterol.

And finally, among the best supplements to lower cholesterol is the natural remedy of Fenugreek which has been used since ancient times for the maintenance of good health including lowering cholesterol.


Some symptoms of high cholesterol are lightheadedness, angina, headaches and pain in the calves. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to speak with your doctor to determine if you have high cholesterol. However, more often than not, there are no symptoms so it is important to visit your doctor at least every year and request to be tested for the condition. Some things that may put you at higher risk of high cholesterol include alcohol consumption, smoking, family history, taking certain medications, lack of exercise and consumption of certain foods. Some foods that may be culprits include whole milk, organ meats, butter, high-fat cheese, ice cream, tropical oils, baked goods, potato chips, fast food, egg yolks, fired foods, mayonnaise and red meat. Although, it is not necessary to completely omit these items from your diet, it is certainly a good idea to limit how much you eat them. Making sure you eat enough fruits, vegetables and grains is also helpful in maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol in the body.

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