Health Supplements

What Are the Vitamins Best

Published at 02/16/2012 15:41:02


One of the most important things in life is maintaining good health. After all, as the old saying goes, if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. Maintaining good health throughout life means more mobility as we age, longer live span, more energy and less sickness. Many people spend countless hours each day ensuring that they stay healthy longer by exercising, eating well and avoiding the things that tend to cause bad health. Another thing that people have recently been doing more of is taking supplements and vitamins to give their health that little extra kick. There are numerous supplements on the market and everyone has different needs. Some people may have enough of one vitamin and be deficient in another and other factors make it hard to know which ones are best for each person’s needs. Below are some tips on how to figure out some vitamins best suited to your needs.


First of all, you need to find out if you are deficient in anything so that you can supplement with the vitamins best suited to that deficiency. Some signs of vitamin deficiency include hair loss, brittle nails, lack of energy, weight loss, pale appearance, brittle bones, various aches and pains, flaky skin and depression. In order to really know what you are deficient in, much research would need to be done after gathering up all your symptoms and the best person to speak with to have your symptoms examined for deficiency is a medical doctor or someone trained in the medical field in things like which vitamins best such as a homeopathic doctor. Once you figure out which vitamins you need to maintain optimal health, the next step is getting these vitamins best suited to your lifestyle into your diet. Below is a rundown on some vitamins best suited for certain things.


The vitamins best suited for suppressed immune systems are vitamin C and vitamin D. These two vitamins help fend off colds and build up the immune system in preparation for times when the body may naturally be depleted of them such as the winter season or extensive periods of travel to other climates. The vitamins best suited to maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular system are vitamin E and vitamin K. The vitamins best suited for keeping depression and other illness at bay or in control and the B vitamins such as vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. The vitamins best suited for vegetarians who do not get the necessary vitamins from eating meat are vitamin B12 or a multi-vitamin.

Tips and Comments

It is possible to have too much a good thing too so it is a good idea to monitor any strange symptoms that occur after starting a vitamin regimen. It is possible that you may be able to get your needed nutrients from your diet alone but, for the most part, most people are too busy and time-restricted to have a diet that is that healthy. Fruits and vegetables are the bets way to get many of the vitamins best needed to maintain overall good health but it is important to incorporate foods form all the food groups in order to get everything needed.
