Health Wellness

What Foods Should Be a Part Of My Family Wellness Plan?

Published at 03/22/2012 16:01:01


Many businesses as well as families are now introducing wellness plans into the office and the home. When it comes to family wellness, there are a couple different types of foods, vitamins and supplements that can assist in maintaining a healthy life style. Along with food choices being included in family wellness, there are also other things you can do to make an efficient family wellness plan.

Foods You Should Be Eating

There are a ton of foods that should be included in your family wellness plan, that are probably not being included. These are the best foods for you and your family and unfortunately, they don't get enough acknowledgment:

Beets: Beets are a great addition to any family wellness plan, beets are rich in folates which are natural cancer fighters. If your children aren't big beet eaters, try adding a little olive oil and vinegar to them, toss and serve chilled. They are a great side dish!

Cabbage: Cabbage is another great food addition to a family wellness plan. Cabbage is full of such great nutrients and enzymes. Cabbage can be added to home made coleslaw or even used as a topping for some healthy grilled burgers.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is another great food addition to a family wellness plan. You shouldn't have any troubles getting the little ones to like cinnamon as it's naturally sweet and delicious. Cinnamon is known to lower blood sugar so it's beneficial to practically everyone. You can add cinnamon to teas as well as to milk. You also could try adding a dash of cinnamon on some cut up banana.

Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are often passed by as being a healthy food. They are packed with magnesium, making them a great addition to a family wellness plan. The best part about pumpkin seeds, is they are convenient and such a great and easy snack to give to children.

Your Family Wellness Plan Should Also Include

Along with eating healthy as part of a family wellness plan, the wellness plan should also include some other things.

Exercise: As part of a family wellness plan, you should try to incorporate exercise. Whether it be going for a long walk with your family or playing a fun filled game of soccer with one another, exercise is definitely a great addition to any family wellness plan.

Moral Support: Whether or not you need to, moral support in the form of a counselor or therapist can really add some benefits to your family wellness plan, especially if you and your family have been going through a hard time recently.

Fun Time: Everyone needs to have some fun, partaking in activities they enjoy. As part of a family wellness plan, you should be planning little mini vacations and day get away with your family. This will give you all the chance to mentally clear your mind and enjoy a day away from the stresses of work, home life and school.

Tips and Comments

Another extremely important part of a family wellness plan is to make sure each person I the family gets their own personal time, space and privacy to do whatever it is they choose. Some people prefer to mentally wind down while reading a book or some prefer a great Swedish massage to relax both the mind, body and spirit.
