Health Wellness

Do Regular Doctors Believe in Wellness Therapy

Published at 03/27/2012 05:59:18


Wellness therapy is also known as holistic therapy, it is a natural form of healing. It is also called by another name “energy healing”. It treats a patient as a whole person or whole self —that is instead of treating a person for a particular illness, as it is commonly done in allopathic treatment, wellness therapy looks at the overall mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing before advising a treatment. A practitioner with wellness therapy treats the symptoms of illness and at the same time he looks at the reasons behind his illness. The reason of a patient may originate from any of the following backgrounds, such as, physical, occupational, social, emotional, environmental, cultural and spiritual. Wellness therapy put much emphasis to eliminate the reason of illness rather than simply curing the illness. It is a process of finding ways to keep a person feeling healthy, balanced and contented.


The wellness therapists pay attention to the every aspects of the patient’s life style and recognize the factors responsible for illness from physical, emotional, environmental, and other standpoints. The treatments often include advice on changes in the dietary and life style pattern.

The wellness therapy works excellently well on stress management. Therapists also recommend some supplements of vitamins and diets if he believes there are some nutritional deficiencies in the patient. He can also teach the patients better ways to handle stress. Many of the world’s health systems are holistic in nature. Many natural and alternative therapies are based on holistic approaches. There are no limits of disorders and diseases that can be healed in wellness therapy. It uses a medical diagnosis system and therapeutics based on the patterns of organization and chaos in nature. Wellness therapy believes that people are healthy by nature get sick by some obstacles. If the obstacles can be removed by stimulating the body’s natural system like diet, stress management, changes in the life style, exercise and natural medicines, the patient will not be a victim of that illness in his life again.


Wellness therapists are general practitioners who treat varieties of illness. They emphasize in preventive care and believe in treating the patient as a whole person with his spirit, mind and body.

The findings of many surveys have revealed that vast majority of the regular doctors also believe that religious beliefs contribute positively to the healing processes of many ailments. They sometime advocate on the effective role of relaxation and meditation in stress management and often recommend them in many cases. The physicians through the ages have witnessed many recoveries that cannot be attributed solely to their medical science and allopathic treatment.

Tips and Comments

Why the Normal Doctors do not Recommend Wellness Therapy

When the regular doctors are asked to express their beliefs we found a disconnect between what they believe and say or recommend. There are some possible reasons for that;
They lack proper training in alternative therapies to recommend.
They were given practicing licenses for certain form of conventional treatments only
Alternative medicines and practices, like, wellness therapy, are not recognized form of medical practices and treatments.
The regular doctors get no incentive in recommending other form of practices.
