Health Wellness

Do Urban Wellness Programs Work?

Published at 04/04/2012 22:06:59


Do wellness programs work in urban areas? To answer this question, you have to understand what you mean by ‘urban wellness’ and ‘work’ in terms of results. Urban wellness programs are multi-dimensional. They are actually programs that are dedicated to lifestyle and personal training. The main objective of the programs is to provide happier and healthier life through the disciplines of fitness and nutrition. Most wellness programs generally concentrate on treating everyone in the same manner and they pay much attention to aesthetics.

It would work great if most of the urban wellness programs thought differently. The fact is no two persons are alike. Each is different from the other when it comes to lifestyle and personal training. Urban wellness programs need to use a personal approach as each person is different emotionally, mentally and physically.


Throughout history, there have been philosophers and medical researchers who gave ideas about the importance of promoting the correct way to urban health. These ideas came through centuries of direct observations that focused on behavior which enhanced urban health. The term ‘wellness’ started becoming popular in the mid-nineteen seventies. During this period, the National Wellness Institute was established. This organization provided networking facilities for people who were interested in urban wellness programs.

Studies show that eight out of ten adults living in urban areas suffer from obesity and an unfulfilled lifestyle that leads to lack of energy and diseases.



The main objective of the urban wellness programs is to set up a comprehensive prevention and wellness policy to help individuals living in the urban areas to attain good quality of health and longevity through fitness and nutrition. Though it is difficult, the urban wellness programs are still seeking to adapt to each individual’s needs.

The reason why urban wellness has suffered in the last few decades is because of extreme stress. Stress is fabricated most of the times in today’s society and it is highly uncalled for. Most of us are always worrying about material gains and on how to make life better in urban areas by taking care of others while forgetting to look after our own mental and physical health.

A good urban wellness program should include fitness schedules to remove excess fat and fight obesity, detoxification of the body and making up of the deficiencies in vitamins, minerals and other nutritional supplements.


Tips and comments

There is a general consensus in the medical sector that the urban wellness programs have not accomplished their aims to anywhere near the expectations as envisioned about four decades ago. The major reason is the high turnover of indifferent administrators in these urban wellness programs.

However, there is a fundamental change that is taking place within the field of health promotion. This change is involving massive investments that are being made to create health promotion assessments. As more sophisticated tools are being identified to assist in the development of specific personality type and learning preferences of the clients, there is bound to be improvement in the success rate of these urban wellness programs.
