Music Instruments

How To Care For Musical Instruments Equipment

Published at 02/09/2012 09:40:01


Nothing can produce lovelier sounds than musical instruments equipment. These instruments are certainly a musician’s best friends. Like any human friends, these instruments also require consistent care and attention. A musician or an instrument owner should know how to maintain these superb music providers to keep them in good condition. An instrument can produce high quality music for many years if it is well maintained by the owner.

Step 1

Taking care of musical instruments equipment is a necessity for learning to play those astounding music and sound providers. Proper maintenance and care for these instruments will help them produce quality musical outputs on a consistent basis. Instruments that are properly cared for are also very valuable and expensive if they are sold on the market. If you are a musician or an owner of musical instruments, then read these tips to learn the proper maintenance for your instruments.

Step 2

Know the Types of Musical Instruments

There are several classifications of these instruments. They are mostly classified according to their functions and compositions. The major types of musical instruments equipment are string instruments, key instruments and wind instruments.

Step 3

Maintenance for String Instruments

The string instruments are considered to be the most prominent musical instruments equipment in the music industry. The most familiar string instruments are guitars, violins, bass and harp.
• These instruments must be sanitized before and after using them. Use a dry piece of cloth to cleanse the string and neck of these instruments. Keep them free from small debris and dust particles. Never use wet cloth since it can cause corrosion to the strings of your instrument.
• For string instruments that are made of wood, it is highly recommended to apply wood polish to their surfaces for once in a while.
• A string musical instruments equipment must be stored in tightly sealed enclosure when it is not in used. They should be kept in a safe place to avoid factors that can cause corrosion. They should be protected from humidity and airborne corrosives such as oxygen when they are not used.

Step 4

Maintenance for Wind Instruments

A player of wind instruments can only play them by producing air to the channels of these instruments. The most prominent wind musical instruments equipment are saxophones, flutes, clarinets and harmonicas.
• You must avoid eating any types of food before playing them since there are chances that food particles will be blown inside the wind instrument. These particles can impair the quality of sound that such instruments are capable of producing.
• These musical instruments equipment must be brought to workshops for every once in a while to keep them in good shape. The experts in these workshops will make sure that they stay in terrific condition.

Step 5

Maintenance for Key Instruments

Pianos, harmonium, organs and synthesizers are some of the well-known key musical instruments equipment.
• The keys for these instruments must be carefully covered when they are not used. You can use coated protective plastic pads as covers for its keys.
• Clean these instruments with dry soft cloth since can easily accumulate dust particles.


These instruments can last for a lifetime if you give the proper attention to them. There are others that were able to pass down these instruments to the next generations. Make wonderful music for years to come with your musical instruments equipment.

Sources and Citations
