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Tips And Ideas For Home Clearance

Published at 02/28/2012 00:31:24


Stores often have clearance sales. This is when they get rid of their old inventory and bring in the new. Without these clearance sales, the stockroom and store would soon be overrun with merchandise. The same can happen to your home. While we do not constantly load our homes up with new inventory, we do bring more and more items in, often without removing items that we may not use. For this reason, we should from time to time have a home clearance week, or even a day. During our designated home clearance time, each room should be studied for items that are there, yet not used, not liked, not wanted, broken or outdated.

Step 1

Home clearance week is the time to be critical. Judge each piece of home decor, furniture, linens, art work and anything else in your home. Take a good look at what you allow into your home. Each item should have a reason for being there. Whether that reason is you use it to make the family waffles on the weekend, or that looking at it makes you smile. Each item needs a reason for being and a use.

Step 2

Home clearance does not necessarily mean adding more items to the landfill. You can always give away items that are still in good condition. Maybe a friend or relative would enjoy them. If not, then think about donating to a battered woman's shelter or Good Will. This way your unwanted items will be able to find a new home and be used and enjoyed.

Step 3

For a fun home clearance idea, organize a swap party with friends. These parties are a lot of fun. A group of friends can each do a home clearance at their own homes. All items are then loaded into boxes or bags and brought to a predetermined location on the day of the designated party. Have everyone bring appetizers, desserts or beverages.  Relax, talk, have fun and pour over each others offerings. Everyone is free to take what they want. It is a lot of fun and everyone gets new items for their home.

Step 4

Once your home clearance is done and you have gotten rid of everything that you did not want or need, it is a good idea to work toward keeping the house cleared of unneeded items. Before buying something new to bring into your home, determine that it is in fact something that you really want. Most people have made impulse purchases at one time or another, only to get the item home and wonder what they were thinking when they decided to make the purchase. Avoid this by asking yourself the right questions before buying. Questions such as do I need this? Where will I keep this and do I really like this?


Step 5

Once your home clearance is complete, take note of how good it feels to live in an organized home. Apply this feeling to other areas of your life, such as the food you bring into your body. It is a good feeling to know that you can control what comes into your home and your body.



Take as much time as you need to go through your home during this process. Some homes will take longer than others. Set a daily or weekly goal for yourself to make it easier.

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