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How To Purchase Home And Auto Insurance Together To Save Money

Published at 02/19/2012 23:50:58


Home and auto insurance can help you financially when you are dealing with tragedy, or when you have an accident. There is more than one option when it comes to home and auto insurance. You can buy insurance for your health, your home, your vehicle, and even your pets. Insurance helps flatten out the risk curve over time rather than forcing you to pay a large bill when something goes wrong. The article below will give you advice on how different home and auto insurance benefit you.

Step 1

When you're considering purchasing something that will require home and auto insurance, take those costs into account. For example, do you have to have that car? It's much cheaper to rent them as you need to use them instead of purchasing them and then paying for maintenance year after year. Eliminate anything you no longer need.

Step 2

If you need a new policy, check with your current agent to see what they have to offer. Generally, you can save by having multiple policies with the same company. It is in the best interest of home and auto insurance companies to get your business.

Step 3

Keep your credit in good standing, and it will reflect on your required premiums by giving you lower rates. The quality of your credit history will factor into how an insurer calculates your premiums. If you're high risk, you will need to pay a higher home and auto insurance premium.

Step 4

Even if your home and auto insurance company covers it, refrain from filing claims. Your premiums will go up and cost you more over time than you'll get back on your claim. The majority of insurance companies also offer an incentive award of reduced premiums based on the number of years you go without filing a claim. In case of a serious accident due to car accident, that full coverage is there still.

Step 5

Try bundling your policies with one company to save money. Home and auto insurance are often available together. Many insurance companies also bundle various kinds of house insurance together. Before you buy anything, though, be sure that you actually need it.

Step 6

Get repair estimates by yourself. If you need to file a claim, get estimates from several reliable contractors. Never wait for the home and auto insurance provider to send in their own people. Even if the insurance company has someone come out, you can still have your own contractor write you up an estimate because this person will have your best interests in mind. Home and auto insurance may even cover your property after an emergency or odd event. It's smart to get coverage from an unforeseen monetary emergency.


Talk to your local agent and inquire about the savings you could acquire if you merged multiple policies together. Many home and auto insurance companies offer customers discounts for having more than one policy with them. As stated at the beginning of the article, there are many different types of insurance available which includes home and auto insurance. Hopefully you have discovered ways you can insure yourself and/or your property that you hadn't thought of before. Having home and auto insurance gives you piece of mind that in the unfortunate event of a tragedy, illness, or accident, you and your family will be covered, and a bit more prepared.
