How To Organize a Small Home
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How To Organize a Small Home

Published at 02/27/2012 23:11:55


How To Organize a Small Home

Whenever you live in a small home, you realize just how difficult it is to find room to fit everything in and yet have enough living space. Regardless of why you have chosen to live in this small home, you should know that there are ways in which you can organize it better. By taking the time to plan the furniture set up you will be able to make the most out of the space that you do have.

Step 1

Start by getting rid of anything that you do not want, use or need. Look through your closets, desk drawers and cabinets for things that you can get rid of either by donation or by having a garage sale. Whenever you have fewer items, you will find that it is easier to organize your small home. This also applies to things like magazines, junk mail and newspapers. As soon as you have read them, throw them in the trash. Make sure that any bills, invitations or otherwise important mail is kept in a special box within your small home. This will help with both clutter and organization.

Step 2

Create a place for everything. Store your crafts, pictures, keepsakes and seasonal items in baskets, shoeboxes or milk crates. Designate a shelf or closet space for these items. Show your children how to put things back whenever they are done with them so that things within your small home remain organized.

Step 3

Provide your children with stackable cubbies in their rooms. Have them keep their books, toys and games in them. While it may be a bit of a challenge to keep your child’s room clean, it can be done. You simply need to provide them with storage containers to throw things into so that cleanup is easy. Games can be stored under the bed, and shelving can be installed for things like books and showcasing awards.

Step 4

Utilize space saving storage containers that are collapsible. Store your seasonal items inside of them and then place them somewhere out of the way until the right season rolls around again. In addition, consider hanging shoe racks on the back of a door. It is vital to make use of every spot in your small home. This includes choosing multifunctional furniture like beds that have drawers under them or an ottoman that opens up so that you have additional storage room within your small home.

Step 5

If you have a garage, consider converting it into a living space. You could always put a shed out back to store things like lawn care items, tools, sports equipment and holiday decorations. By creating some additional room within your small home you may find that it is easier to keep everything organized. You can always use the garage as office space, a playroom or exercise area. Simply add some type of flooring and heating then you will have an additional room within your small home. With more room, it is oftentimes easier to remain organized as long as you still stick with the aforementioned tips.


There are a lot of really neat storage aides available today. Look through them and see which would be of best use to you.

Sources and Citations

