Great Advice For Home Grills
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Great Advice For Home Grills

Published at 03/05/2012 13:20:37


Great Advice For Home Grills

When you have an awesome outdoor space, shopping for home grills is a top priority Once you have the grill that suits your family's needs, the joy of preparing meals outside will be something to cherish. The flavors induced by cooking on the grill can make you seem like a gourmet chef. You can make healthy meals with grill-cooked vegetables to accompany the meat, poultry and seafood you family loves. When you look at home grills for possible purchase, make sure you get the top quality equipment that matches your budget.

Step 1

Measure how much space you have available before you start looking at home grills. If you have a large outdoor patio, you can fit a deluxe, full-size grill in the area with plenty of room around it for safety. If you live in an apartment or condominium, your choice of home grills is more limited. Check with your landlord first to see if there are restrictions for the building complex. In some cases you will need to focus on the small hibachi-style of home grills. In other cases, a kettle grill or another type of simple grill is all that you will be able to fit in. Also look at home grills that are on wheels. You can roll those into a storage area after they are completely cooled, leaving room for kids to play and for you to relax when you aren't cooking outdoors.

Step 2

One of the biggest concerns many cooks have about home grills is the messy cleaning process after the fun of cooking outdoors is over. To reduce the clean up chores, spray the grill rack with non-stick cooking spray before you place it on the grill. This makes it easy to simply wipe off the rack after the meal, reducing the need for extensive brushing and scrubbing. When you are shopping for home grills, look for a roll-up mat or pad to place under the grill. This allows you to cover the ground under the grill and protect the patio surface from splatters and spills. You may also reduce the cleaning chores for charcoal home grills by placing heavy-duty aluminum foil in the section where the charcoal burns. After everything completely and thoroughly cool, simply fold the foil around the remains of the burned charcoal and lift it out to through in the trash.

Step 3

Enhance the enjoyment of cooking on home grills with a collection of grilling utensils and accessories. Long-handled spatulas and turning forks help you handle the food without exposing your hands to the direct heat of the grill. A pair of tongs gives you the ability to turn meat, vegetables and other items over with a firm, confident grip. Steel or bamboo skewers are favorite accessories for those who like to make kebabs on home grills. If you choose to use bamboo, make sure you soak them in water for about an hour before threading the meat and veggies on so that the thin sticks don't burn. One more important accessory for home grills is a grill cover that will protect the equipment from inclement weather conditions when it's not in use.


Home grills allow you to expand your cooking skills. Try preparing unusual food occasionally for your family. Pizza dough can be cooked directly on the cooking rack for a tasty variation on the traditional pizza pie. You may also grill pineapple slices, peaches and apples to give your family an exciting, new type of dessert. 

Sources and Citations

Hearth, Patio and Grilling Association: General Grill Safety
