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10 Reasons To School Your Children At Home

Published at 02/23/2012 02:03:45


There are several reasons why you may choose to school home children. A lot of parents do it for myriad reasons but here are some inevitable circumstances that may lead to school home children.

Step 1

Behavior problems – Sometimes a child may act up at school not necessarily because he is naughty but, because he gets frustrated at the slow learning pace. Considering to school home children who are more developed than their peers is a good idea. It allows them to grow at their own pace as opposed to that of others, which may be holding them back.

Step 2

Poor health – Schooling home children is appropriate for kids who may have recurring ailments or have suffered fatal accidents. Even though they might be fit enough to return to school, they might prefer being home children merely for the comfort of being with a parent.

Step 3

Permissive school environment – Children pick up a lot of inappropriate content at school. Unfortunately they may even have friends who bring drugs to school. If you school home children, you do not have to worry about this because you are the role model to them. The time spent with together is used to guide and counsel them on appropriate behavior and respect for those around.

Step 4

School distance – Schooling home children becomes a viable option if the distance to school is too far or if traffic is a hustle. A lot of families that live in remote areas home school their children though those in the suburbs are also taking up the trend.

Step 5

Religious stand – Many parents will opt to school home children because of their religious beliefs. They may not find it fitting to have their children learn in schools that teach religious freedom and other theories that go against their faith.

Step 6

Violence in schools –There has been major incidents of school violence in the last few years. A lot of students have died as a result of their peers bringing guns to school. Parents consider schooling home children a safe option in comparison to the violence they might be exposed to at school.

Step 7

Disagreements with school staff – Sometimes teachers and counselors may take it upon themselves to determine what is best for a student without consulting the parents first. This has led a lot of families to take on schooling home children.

Step 8

Students who are slow learners – The school system does not really work to encourage a student who may be slow in learning. They usually choose to hold the child back which in actuality impairs the child’s progress. This is one main reason why most parents will school home children.

Step 9

Cutting programs in government schools – Every evening in the news there are reports of how poorly the school system is doing. Many vital programs are cut off the curriculum due to the budget. Parents do not want their children to miss out on certain subjects they deem necessary so, they school home children.

Step 10

Students who are gifted – A gifted student may end up losing his gift because the school system may place him somewhere he will not benefit. However, if he schools at home, his parent will be able to monitor him or get him the appropriate instructor to direct him.


Schooling home children is a common occurrence today. It is an acceptable form of learning and parents are encouraged to practice it if it is a more suitable alternative.

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