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What You Should Know About Foreclosed Homes Sale

Published at 02/24/2012 02:36:34


The act of house foreclosure occurs when the occupants have not meet their financial obligations by not paying their mortgage for over 90 days. Because the bank technically owns your home if you fail to repay them they have the ability to take your home from you. Whilst this is a subject matter that is of a deary and somber tone there is a minority who benefits from the foreclosed homes sale, these are prospective home buyers. This article will offer sound advice for individuals planing to buy a foreclosed home, because if you act sensible there  is potential to save a lot of money.


 foreclosed homes sale usually manifest out of trauma occurring to the occupants such as illness, death, loss of job or other financial losses, and the same is true for its overall history. In the 1930's when America was experiencing the great depression, many lost their jobs, or had a decrease in wages, deflation, and there was a general veil of melancholy and misery. Because of the amount of jobs lost, thousands of Americans lost their homes and farms to foreclosure.


There are three methods to buying a foreclosed home for sale, these are Auction, pre-foreclosure sale and via a real estate company. Auction is where you place bids for the house in question, you normally have to buy in cash for this method and you will not be eligible to view the house before the sale. Pre-foreclosure is when you buy the house before the auction,through this avenue you will be entitled to view the house and run a title search on the house, additionally if you buy the foreclosed home in this method you will acquire the mortgage. Lastly if you opt for the real estate avenue, you will again be able to view the house pre-sale and run a title check but if you are hoping to make a cheap bargain this is not the right method for you.

The lender is normally responsible for removing the past occupants of the home before the new homeowners move in. However after the auction or purchase if they have still not left the premises you will be required to send a 3 day Notice to Quit. If they fail to leave after this time period then the new purchasers can take legal action. This can be in the form of a getting a individual of the law like a sheriff to visit the home and remove them or by filing a lawsuit in court.

Also if you were unable to view the foreclosed home for sale before you brought it be sure to take into consideration extra costs that may be required upon sale. This can be caused by the old tenants relating their frustration upon the home in the form of punched walls, broken windows, damaged home fixtures like basins and ovens. As well as damage you might also need to repaint, re carpet, and re-roof the house.

A typical foreclosed house will sell between five to fifty percent below its apprised value. This feature makes it an attractive prospect and why its sought by home buyers.

Tips and comments


Tips on foreclosed homes sale:

Decide upon the method of buying a foreclosed home sale in accordance to the one that best suits your needs and preferences. 

If it is possible be sure to view the house before sale to determine if it is right for your needs and the extent of the damage if there is any.

foreclosed homes sale is a sombre sad business so be sure to treat the past occupants with respect and civility. 
