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Kitchen Home - Top 5 Tips

Published at 03/03/2012 16:39:40


The home kitchen is a vital part of the household. It is where nourishment is prepared and often where the family reconnects after a busy day out in the world. Keeping the home kitchen running efficiently and smoothly, makes it a relaxing place for the family to gather. If your home kitchen feels chaotic and unorganized, rather than peaceful and well organized, there are some tips that you can follow to help get your kitchen in order.

Step 1

  • Keep things you use often on within easy reach. When you are organizing your home kitchen cupboards and counter tops, think about how often you use an item. Put things that are only used occasionally, such as for holidays or when you make a special, rarely made dish, up high and out of the way. You might even store these items in the attic or basement. This frees up valuable counter and cabinet space for the items that you need on a regular basis.

Step 2

  • Hang a small chalkboard or dry erase board in your home kitchen. This way you will have a handy space to write down any items needed on the next shopping trip. Get the entire family on board with jotting down a quick note if someone uses the last of something or if you are almost out of an item. This way you do not find out in the middle of making a dish that you are out of eggs, bread crumbs or another needed item.

Step 3

  • Plan out menus for the entire week. Some people do this for two weeks or even a month. Having a plan for each days meals helps keep the home kitchen running smoothly. Each day you can look at your menu and know exactly what to do. The task of figuring out dinner after a long day is something that most people dislike. This is why fast food is so popular. With a meal plan, that unpleasant task is taken care of. You can plan your menu for the week on the weekend, when you are relaxed and unhurried.

Step 4

  • Make the home kitchen a no arguing zone. This is especially useful if you have young children. Family dinners should be relaxing and enjoyable. Kids arguing is a quick way to make them unpleasant. A no arguing rule should be enforced quickly by making the offending party leave the table until he or she can come back and behave properly.

Step 5

  • Clean up as soon as meals are finished. It is tempting to leave clean up for later, but that just leaves a messy home kitchen on your mind. Getting cleanup done quickly once a meal is over, leaves less to do later or the next day. Getting in the  habit of getting the dishes taken care, and giving the stove and counters a quick wipe will leave you with a home kitchen that always look presentable.


Get your family involved. They can help with food preparation, serving, table setting, table clearing and cleaning up. It is the home kitchen for the entire family, so they should be involved in making sure it runs smoothly.

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