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Detroit Home Invasion Defense Tactics

Published at 02/24/2012 18:09:38


You can never be too careful when it comes to incidences of home invasion. If you have a detroit home, it is important to take all measures to keep your house secure and your family safe. Home raids can take place in any part of the city. Do not assume you are safe because your detroit home is in the suburbs or in a low crime area. It is always advisable to have some defense tactics at hand just in case your house gets invaded. Here are a few detroit home defense tactics that you can employ.

Defence Tactics

  • A defense tactic does not have to involve a weapon such as a gun. You can defend yourself just by being clever and utilizing your common sense. You can have a safe room in your detroit home. This will have the whole family together and in a safe place. Be sure to keep a few essential items in the room. A phone is the most vital thing so that you can call the authorities. Stay in the safe room until the police get there.
  • As soon as you realize there is an intruder in your detroit home, get out. If you have a family, it is always important to discuss such an outcome so that you can have possible solutions. For instance, you can come up with a code to use when there is a sign of danger. Make it simple and direct. This will draw an immediate reaction from each family member and get you all to safety before the burglar has a chance to cause any harm.

Defence Tactics

  • Should you be in a position where you cannot call for help and the intruder has you pinned in your detroit home, agree to what he wants. Complying will allow you time to think and see what you can utilize as a weapon. You can also be able to catch him unawares and fight your way out. However, do not get into a fight if you are incapable of it. Additionally, even though you agree to what the intruder asks, do not allow him to tie you down.
  • Should you hear odd noises in your detroit home, refrain from looking into it. If an intruder is unaware you are in the house, keep it that way. Stay hidden and out of sight. You do not want to surprise him because he may become brutal.
  • If your detroit home has an alarm system, set it off to alert the authorities. Call for help before anything else.
  • As a last resort and if you absolutely have to, use a weapon if you have to confront the burglar. Find anything available in your detroit home that will defend you against the intruder. Do not go looking for him, however; defend yourself only if he finds you.

Tips and comments

As scary as it is having an intruder in your detroit home, you must try and remain calm. This is the only way you can make sound decisions in the face of danger. If you have a family, you have to be especially cautious because they will be looking to you to figure out what to do. A detroit home invasion is a ghastly affair but if you stay focused and calm, you can find a safe way out for yourself and your family.
