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5 Things You Must Know About Home Table

Published at 03/01/2012 19:05:24


With the busy lives that most families lead these days, less and less time is spent at the home table. Yet, the need for family time around the home table is still so important. Families must do their best to make time for each other, to find time to reconnect and catch up with each other. What better way than to sit together to enjoy dinner around the home table. The kitchen is said to be the heart of the home for good reason. It is a good idea to instill the importance of family time in children. If it eating together each evening is not a possibility, finding a way to make dinner around the home table a priority as much as possible will do much to make the family stronger.


In the past it was common for everyone to be home for dinner and to sit around the home table. These days it seems a little harder to get everyone together. However, no matter how busy a family is, there should at least be a couple of days during the week when family dinners can take place. There are some that everyone in the family must know about the home table in order for dinners to be relaxed and run smoothly.

  • There should be no interuptions allowed. This means no telephones, televisions or newspapers allowed. This is family time.
  • This time should be used to reconnect with each other. Discuss the day and any upcoming family activities or concerns.
  • It should be a relaxed and easy going time for the entire family. This time should not be used to criticize or complain.
  • There should be absolutely no arguing or fighting at the table.
  • Have fun. This is the time to enjoy each others company.


Getting the entire family involved in making family dinners a priority is a good way to get even resistant teens involved. Allow everyone to have a turn choosing their favorite dinners.

Resist the urge to reprimand at the home table. You want this time to be something that everyone looks forward to, not dreads.

Take the time to set the table as you would for company. Use the good dishes and glasses, put some flowers on the table. We often save the good stuff for company, yet, who is more important than our family? Those we love deserve to be treated special. Setting the table with the good china and company glassware is also a way to let the little ones know how important having dinner together is.

Tips and comments

Learn some easy shortcuts to make dinner easier for busy households. Make doubles of favorite dinners, one can go in the freezer to be served another day.

Spruce up prepared dishes to make them taste homemade. Simply adding a few ingredients to prepared sauces or side dishes can make them taste home made with much less work.

Get the whole family involved with making dinner. Even small children can learn to help out. They can often set the table or help rip lettuce for a salad.


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