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Top 5 Home Organization Tips

Published at 02/24/2012 05:34:44


Home organization can be a problem for almost anyone. It is important to be organized so that a home can run smoothly. There are many different techniques that can be used. What works for some people may not work for others.

Step 1

The first thing that you want to do when organizing is to get rid of the things that you are not going to use. Downsizing your clutter is key. One way to do this is to completely clear out a room of everything. The only things that you put back in the room are items that you have used within the past 3 months or items that you know you will use in the next few months. All other items are to be looked at until you decide whether or not you have an immediate use or will ever use it. If you know you will never use an item, set it aside and either donate it or try and sell it.

Get down to the basics of everything. Get storage containers and store the rest of the items. Items like holiday decorations can be put away by the type of decoration or the holiday and stored away in the attic or basement areas. Keep it simple, clean, and clutter free.

Step 2

After you have decluttered your first room, go to the next room. Repeat this process until all your rooms are clean. This will help with home organization. Now that your home is clean, it will be much easier to keep it that way. After the decluttering process, it is time to actually organize. Get storage tubs, shelving, boxes, baskets, and anything else that you think will help you stay organized. Label each box and only put what is on the label in each box. Now that you have sorted your items, you can put them in their place. This is one of the most essential tips. You want to get yourself into the habit of saying everything has its place. If it isn't in its place, then it needs to get there. Keeping a clean and organized home will be much easier if everything has a home.

Step 3

Do not buy more than what you need. It is easy to get caught up in a sale. Remember, everything has its place. So if you buy extra remember that you have to have a space to put it. It will not do you any good to buy something to use later if you can not find it for use because it is buried again in a bunch of clutter. Home organization can be quite simple there are many different ways to keep up with a home and its cleaniness.

Step 4

Another simple way to continue keeping a home organized is to include all members of the family. Make a chore chart for everyone. This can be rotating chores or permanent chores. It all depends on what works for your individual family.

If each person knows what is expected of them, people will not get overwhelmed and the home organization will not be left to one person. Have you heard the saying it takes a village to raise a child? Well, it takes a family or a concerted effort to keep a home organized. If everyone chips in, nothing will get left out of place.


Home organization does not have to be difficult. It just needs to be a concerted effort of all the people in the home. If one desires home organization, just follow a few simple rules and home organization can be yours. Remember, everything should have its own place.

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