Bed Bath Home Decor For Dorm Rooms
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Bed Bath Home Decor For Dorm Rooms

Published at 02/28/2012 06:55:00


Bed Bath Home Decor For Dorm Rooms

Adjusting to change is a difficult procedure, but adjusting to double change can be disastrous. For instance, after a perfect holiday, you have to adjust to the new classes. And on top of that, you have to exchange your perfectly cozy dwelling for the new cold and empty dorm room. It can be pretty depressing. Here are a few bed bath home related ideas to upgrade your new room a bit and increase your bed bath home decorating skills.


Bed Bath Home Decor For Dorm Rooms

In olden times in India, architects used to work as interior decorators and bed bath home specialists, especially for temples and holy places of worship built for their gods. Interior decoration and design has been particularly attached to women. In early times it would be the homemaker, usually women, who would decorate and brighten the household. It was at the end of the 19th century that the women professionalized this field of decorating and designing.


Bed Bath Home Decor For Dorm Rooms

For perfect bed bath home ideas, you can start with the walls. Usually you cannot really fiddle with your dorm room walls, but here is an idea that you can deploy to get relatively interesting and non-boring walls. Get some removable wallpaper in your favorite color or get the white board type wall paper which you can actually use to write on and erase. You can write notes, prep for your exam or just write for fun. After walls, it is the lighting that set the mood in a room. Why not go for pretty little lamps or the hanging one instead of the plain boring lighting in your room? You can also get those small pendant lamps and hang them from the ceiling with help of a hook.

When choosing furniture, try to go for the more detachable ones. For example, a sofa bed is a good idea over a big, space occupying bed. This also makes for various settings in the room. If there’s no room for a sofa, get a chair. This would give you a better sitting space than your dorm bed. Try to stock your dorm bathroom with the essentials such as clean and fresh towels, trash cans, shower gel, interesting loofahs and bath bubbles. It would be a great idea to make space for a small table in your room. It would not only help you in studying but will also be helpful for meals and maybe even gaming with your friends.

Decorate your room with colorful and cozy rugs. This won’t only add a homely look and feel to your room but also make it more pleasing to the eye. Pictures frames are a very nice way of recalling all those memories made back then. It’s a nice way of remembering family and friends bringing out the home factor in your dorm room. Other than the ordinary small picture frame, go for your favorite picture, perfect with all your loved ones in it, enlarge it and display it in the most prominent corner of the room. Make your cupboard a more comfortable and organized space. Go for plastic hooks and hanging shoe carriers that you can maybe attach behind your door. Throwing a few cushions and pillows will give your room a more comfy look.

Tips and comments

Try these few bed bath and home ideas and make home away from home in your study area. With a little bit of creativity and enthusiasm and the right ideas you can turn the most plain and boring dorm room into a hot and happening one.
